Chapter 45: Positioning Yan Family

Xiao Yang seemed to see Yunshan's embarrassment, he couldn't help but smiled and suggested:

"Is not as good as this. Although we only have two people, walking on the battlefield will be more flexible. Where there are difficulties, where there are dangers, where there are us,"

Yunshan groaned: "Are you trying to be a firefighter on the battlefield?"

The so-called battlefield fire brigade is actually on the battlefield, in a timely manner to support the difficult areas, so that this part of the regional disadvantage becomes an advantage.

However, the firefighters on the battlefield are not able to do what they want, at least there is a big premise that needs to be met.

They have fewer people on the battlefield, and they also pulled some people out to fight the fire. How could the fire be slammed?

And now, Ice Flame Pavilion is facing such a situation.

Ice Flame Pavilion is a dozen, from the number of people, the number of warriors in Ice Flame Pavilion is definitely less than that of Ziyang Mansion and Qingyun Gate.

Even if Xiao Yang and Feng San'an were put on the battlefield to let them act at will, the opponent would send someone to intercept Xiao Yang and Feng San if there was a gap between the enemy and the enemy.

"Do you want to be a free man on the battlefield?"

Yunshan shook his head: "This is wrong, not to mention if you can walk around, this will also mess up the positions of the warriors of Ice Flame Pavilion."

Yunshan thought for a while, and suddenly said: "It is better to go in front of this interjunction, follow the pipeline of Ziyang Mansion, and continue to see the two villages of the Yan ."

"The Yan , attached to Ziyang Mansion, is likely to participate in the war under the encouragement of Ziyang Mansion."

Xiao Yang smirked a bit, but his face was straight: "Do you want me to intercept the Yan's warriors?"

"It's not the case. Just go and harass. You two are better than others. Although the Yan Master is the pinnacle of the late Qi Fu, he is old and does not pose a threat to you."

Yunshan thought for a while, and added: "Yan's QiFu Warrior, about fifteen people. Although this force is insignificant to Ice Flame Pavilion, but if more power is added, Ice Flame Pavilion wins. It will be harder. "

Xiao Yang was surprised.

He still doesn't know where this Ice Flame Pavilion came from with confidence and one enemy two.

He didn't see where this Ice Flame Pavilion was?

Could it be that...

Xiao Yang suddenly had more speculations in his heart.

But now, this is not the time for crankiness. Yunshan had just commanded what Xiao Yang wanted to do.

In his plan, this time he came to help with two goals. The first one is naturally to get mixed on the battlefield. But for now, this head Yunshan doesn't want him to mix.

It does not matter, his second goal is this Yan!

Yan's position is awkward.

The Yan is not far from this battlefield, and it is also adjacent to the official road. After the three parties started the war, the first to be hit and affected, it must be the Yan!

And Xiao Yang wants to make a big vote. Looking at all the non-influential forces, the only thing that Xiao Yang can get involved at present is this Yan!

" ... but there are many Yan Warriors, we can only do our best."

"Just do your best." Yunshan had no intention of how useful Xiao Yang and Feng San could play. Since the two agreed to such a request, he would not say anything else.

To tell the truth, for Yunshan, only the two of the Xiao came this time, which made him shocked.

Because of two people, two warriors in the middle of Qifu, it is really useless for the whole situation!

In Yunshan's eyes, it doesn't mean that you Xiao Yang is the owner of the Xiao, or that you brought the Xiao with people, it will bring much change to the trend of the entire battlefield.

Of course, since coming, since choosing to go to the battlefield, Yunshan still has to make arrangements.

In terms of strength, Xiao Yang is just a general level of the Ice Flame Pavilion Warrior, but, in terms of identity, Xiao Yang is anyhow the owner. Although Xiao Yang's personal strength is insignificant, Yunshan has to make some expressions.

"Then the two of us will retire first." Xiao Yang applied.

Yunshan nodded.

"You go."

Turned around and left, but did not leave the camp where Ice Flame Pavilion was stationed for the first time, but found a place temporarily and sat down.

"Lord, let's not really just go to Yan's trouble ..." Xiao Yang hadn't spoken yet, Feng San asked.

Since he just saw Xiao Yu, Feng San's courage has become even smaller.

He was afraid!

Fear of this unwittingly, he killed on the spot!

Xiao Yang glanced at Feng San and asked rhetorically:

"Why, do you have other ideas?"

"Lord, there are more than a dozen warriors in Yan, and there are a bunch of martial arts practitioners. We can't compete!" Feng San persuaded.

He really didn't want to go to Yan's trouble.

As Xiao Yang said before, is it not fragrant to honestly "mix the heads"?

Xiao Yangdan smiled and said:

"Feng San, you are in the midst of your adult life, and you should have been blood and blood, how can you be so greedy and afraid of death? Furthermore, we are going to contain, but not to Yan Town, as long as Ziyang Mansion does not notice We, we are not in danger! "

Feng San choked.

"How can this be called greed and death ..." Feng Sanmo murmured silently.

This clearly shows the situation!

If dozens of Qifu warriors kill the Yan, then certainly do not hesitate to go forward! !

However, there are only two people now!

Xiao Yang looked at him with a smile, and said, "Why don't you go and discuss with the elder Yunshan? Although he said that this order was issued by him, I think, if you go to discuss, maybe you won't have to go. . "

Feng San listened and suddenly stopped talking.

Consult with the elder Ice Flame?

Forget it!

He is a little Qifu warrior, and he has no identity. If he dares to be brazen in front of Yunshan, he must not be shit out of Yunshan!

"Then ... when do we set off?" Feng San still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Wait for the evening." Xiao Yang responded and stopped talking.

The sun is like blood, the sky is full of radiance, and a wide blood-colored scarf is gradually pulling away from the sky.

[Daily tasks of the territory ①: Add bricks and tiles]:

[Task Status]: Completed!

[Mission Reward]: Fan spirit stone * 20

[Daily tasks of the territory ②: Slaying the demon and removing the demon]

[Task Status]: Completed!

[Task Reward] : Fan-level spirit stone * 50

"Good! " Xiao Yang nodded with satisfaction when he saw the picture of the completion of daily tasks.

"Start!" Xiao Yang patted Feng San on the shoulder.