Chapter 47: The Beast (2500 words of big chapter!)

"Damn! Just let them go?" Feng Yu cursed when he saw Xiao Yang and Feng San leaving.

"if not?"

"But, the disciples are now gathering on the front line. We will remove Xiao Yang and Feng San here, and no one will know!"

Chief disciple Han Li smiled.

"Nono...he will know."

Feng Yu pouted, somewhat disdainful.

"Master knows how? Will this punish us for Xiao Yang?"

Han Li looked at Feng Yu with a smile.

"Master wants to put Xiao Yang under his door."


"...Ahh?..." Feng San shuddered and looked at the tall, handsome and handsome young man in front of him, walking a little unstable.

" Haven't you seen such a big scene?"

  Xiao Yang turned back, looking at Feng San.

Feng San shaking his head again.

"This one is the inner disciple of Ice Flame Pavilion, and the other is the chief disciple. You offended both of them."

Feng San continued with a bitter sad: "That Feng Yu is also a ruthless person like Feng Long. When he was 14 years old, there was a young child next to the Feng teasing him. As a result, Feng Yu took that child's The whole family is killed! "

"So ruthless?" Xiao Yang was surprised.

Feng San nodded bitterly. "At that time, I had stepped into QiFu, and it was counted as a small senior of the Feng, so I also learned about it."

"After that?" Xiao Yang was curious.

"Naturally, it was pressed down by Feng Long." Feng San said, a little sighed.

"That kid is called Feng Jiang, and I played with my butt once."

Xiao Yang touched his chin.

He had some pity for this baby, but now, it is not the time to think of these useless things.

"That Feng Yu, even if I don't offend him, he will take the initiative to come up. The thing between the Xiao and the Feng has already been dead.

Xiao Yang eased his breath and said:

"Moreover, to be honest, if you want to live, then Feng Yu must die!"

Feng San's eyes were instantly filled with shock: "You want ..."

"Don't you see Feng Yu looking at your eyes?" Xiao Yang looked at Feng San with some contempt.

"That's the look of the dead!"

This product is really scared of death!

But also, if this product is so afraid of death, Xiao Yang really dare not keep him.

Feng San was a little hesitant, a little depressed, and even a little uneasy.

"Okay. If you think about it, it would be better to improve your strength. If you can step into WanXiang, let alone a Feng Yu, it is the entire Ice Flame Pavilion, and dare not treat you!"

"WanXiang ...?"

This is something Feng San didn't dare to think about!

Xiao Yang led Feng San through the camp of Ice Flame Pavilion, instead of taking the official road, but following the dense jungle under the official road and groping for the past.

This official road usually leads to less. In the jungle, many unknown beasts are hidden. If you are not careful, you will be attacked by small beasts.

This is why the jungle is not suitable for large forces to sneak forward.

A large number of warriors gather, it is easy to cause prying eyes of many fierce beasts in the jungle.

And if a force sneaks out of the jungle for what?

Is not to avoid the sight of the frontal battlefield, to achieve unexpected surprise attacks!

But if it is caught in the jungle by a beast, it will cause a lot of noise, and the original effect will not be achieved.

After entering the jungle, Xiao Yang and Feng San no longer talked.

They lowered their footsteps as much as possible and looked around carefully.

The night came, and the figure of the sun was completely introduced into the mountains.

The whole jungle was dark.

Such scenes, the two are commonplace. Traveling in the dark is not the first time.

Only this time ...

Xiao Yang faintly felt a little uneasy. It seemed that behind the trees, there was something watching him.


The wind rose, the moon gradually rose, and crossed the sky.

From the distance between the mountains and the sky, a thick layer of dark clouds enveloped it, blocking the moonlight and causing the sky to fall into a brief darkness.

The wind is blowing in the jungle!

The gusty wind suddenly rose, and the whole grass set off a whistling sound.

The two of them moved their minds and defended on the spot.

Xiao Yang raised his hand and held the fiery sword in his hand. Feng San digged his back, and a spirit shield lay in front of him.

The two people's breathing slowed down, watching the surroundings with all their attention.

The time passed slowly, and the two gradually held their breath.

Xiao Yang felt that there was something moving in this wind and grass!

Xiao Yang leaned against a short pier stone and adjusted the posture of holding the sword.

Next second, the grass not far away, move again!

"Huh?" Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes and carefully put away the murderous intention without revealing the slightest.

What kind of spirit beast ...


The rank is not low!

Feng San was on Xiao Yang's side, and the atmosphere didn't dare to show up. He looked at Xiao Yang and asked with eyes how he should be.

Xiao Yang did not respond to Feng San, but walked quietly a few steps forward. After identifying the direction, he suddenly burst into flames!

The next second, the fiery sword was gently waved by Xiao Yang, with a sharp sword awn, and he chopped straight in the direction of the dark shadow!

"Give me out!"

Xiao Yang burst into a bang.


He saw a figure seemed to be hit by rays, and slammed suddenly, suddenly emerged from the trees, revealing the whole picture.

Has a length of more than three meters and a width of half a meter!

This is a huge fierce python.

The tan skin was covered with sharp spikes, and the face was covered with dark green fangs.

"The peak of Qifu ..." Xiao Yang's eyes narrowed, and the strength of this fierce python was judged when the crash occurred!

The full name of this fierce python is thorny fierce python, Xiao Yang once noticed this fierce beast.

This guy is extremely poisonous, hunkering in the wild jungle all year round. As long as this thorny mongoose is promoted to the Qifu realm, its body will expand greatly, and the body's toxicity will be a little bit full.

After the promotion, the fierce python is considered to be a big brother in the jungle.

Even if it is a normal beast of the peak of Qifu, it will not provoke a fierce python that first entered Qifu.

not to mention!

This one in front of Xiao Yang is a fierce python at the peak of the late Qifu!

For human beings, this thorny fierce python is also the most difficult type to deal with among the beasts of Qifu.

Xiao Yang's face showed a dignity.

The appearance of the fierce python really made him a little caught off guard.

Xiao Yang glanced at the shadow of camp behind him.

If he had just left the camp and entered the jungle, Xiao Yang would return to the camp without hesitation.

But now, it is far away from town, and returning to camp is really not a wise choice.

"Distance from Yan Family, but also a few miles away ..." Xiao Yang calculated his current location through the positioning of the world map.

It can be said that Xiao Yang's position is extremely embarrassing.

Is not close to camp, and is still some distance from Yan Family.

And this fierce python ...

Xiao Yang looked up at the behemoth.

This guy, with his current strength, plus a Feng San, still has some difficulties in dealing with it.

If it is an ordinary warrior at the pinnacle of Qifu, Xiao Yang is still confident that he can fight with him.

But this fierce python is thicker than human skin, with poison on his body, and more importantly, Xiao Yang knew that he could not kill it!


He had no time to think about it, the fierce python has launched an attack!

In a short time, a venom spewed out like a sharp arrow, bursting out of the mouth of the fierce python.

Xiao Yang had to retreat towards the distance, temporarily avoiding the edge.

Feng San was not stupid.

This big guy, Xiao Yang is retreating, he dare to guard the position?

Don't dare to think about it, Feng San frantically retreated backward.

Seeing the two running away, the snarling fierce python immediately snarled and chased towards Xiao Yang.

The fiercely angry python is very angry, he thought he must swallow this guy!

Actually, it just entangles there. Although he just saw two human beings close together, they didn't mean to move.

It didn't think that the man who took the sword, even if it was indiscriminate, cut a sword towards its body.

Is it still tolerable?

Not to mention, here is its territory!

Faced with such a provocation by Xiao Yang, it is naturally impossible for him to get around him!

"..." Xiao Yang felt regretful about the state of the fierce python.

Just a little impulsive!

Even thought about attacking this fierce python for the first time.

Now Xiao Yang realized that this fierce python actually did not want to attack them in the jungle.

This fierce python is just entrenched here.

The realm of the thorny python is higher than that of Xiao Yang, and his body is highly poisonous and cannot be stopped.

Xiao Yang had to turn around to meet the enemy.

"Feng San, run in the direction of Yan Family!"

After Xiao Yang sipped, all his eyes were gathered on the thorny fierce python.

He saw that on Xiao Yang's long sword, the sword's awn became more and more vigorous, and it would explode with great power at any time.

The figure of the fiercely fierce python seemed to be slightly noticed, as if he saw the sharp edge of the sword. It felt a hint of threat from this sharp edge!

So, the figure of the thorny fierce python stopped, but instead of standing still, he walked around Xiao Yang endlessly and made an attacking gesture all the time.

Xiao Yang had to constantly move his body and greet this guy in front of him.

"This fierce python, because want to wait for my sword to fade, and then step forward to attack?" Xiao Yang took a breath.

He didn't expect that this swaying sword intention succeeded in stopping the pace of the thorny and fierce python.

Although it is said that this sword can really burst out powerful energy, Xiao Yang knows that this damage can not cause too much harm to the evil python, after all, the evil python is too meaty!

But the fierce python stopped actively.

"Roar!" The fierce python roared while laughing in a circle.

Seems to be saying, look at your sword, what should do!

How to do?

Easy to handle!

Xiao Yang saw that Feng San had already ran a certain distance, and he did not hesitate anymore. While the fierce python circled to the rear again, he flew out directly.

The fierce python was also expected. Seeing Xiao Yang rushing out, he caught up with Xiao Yang's pace for the first time.

Facing a giant python at the peak of Qifu, Xiao Yang's speed is still slightly slower!

However, Xiao Yang was not in a hurry. The sword in his hand rose again.

He knew why the fierce python stopped, not to say how much damage the fierce sword on the blade would bring to the fierce python, but that this guy was afraid of the sword sent by Xiao Yang.

Although the sword meaning is invisible, but through the condensation of the sword, it can indeed achieve the effect of bluffing.

The consciousness of the crisis of fierce python is very strong. It is waiting, waiting for the sword to disappear.

To put it bluntly, every time Xiao Yang released his sword intention, he was losing his spiritual power.

And the continuous decrease of spiritual power is also what the fierce python can really feel.

Of course, in addition to these, there is another thing that makes the fierce python not directly launch the charge, which is Xiao Yang's direction of movement.

It's not that he didn't know where the goods came from, but it found that Xiao Yang had been marching deeper into the jungle.

Since you are not running back, isn't it a dead end?

This jungle, but it is the world where it stabs fierce pythons.

The fiercely fierce python is not afraid to let him escape.

As for the young man running ahead ...

Don't care too much about the fierce python. After all, its grievances are clear. Who made the sword just now, it can be clearly distinguished!

Seeing that the fierce python would not come forward to attack, Xiao Yang was also happy.

"Hold on again! Take you to a good place!" Xiao Yang looked at the fierce python and smiled.

"Roar?" The fiercely spitting python revealed a puzzled expression.

What is this little brother? ?


At the moment of doubt, Xiao Yang rushed out again.

"Damn it! Fool me!" Seeing Xiao Yang disappearing from the original place with thorny fierce pythons, is this still enough?

The snake body shocked and rushed up.

"It's coming soon! It's coming!" Xiao Yang looked at the front and seemed to have the prototype of a village.

It's just that he didn't know whether he was talking to the fierce python or talking to himself.

The fierce python didn't care where it went, anyway, this jungle, it's the big brother!

All its attention was put on this young man.

Today's young people are really bad!

Is to engage in sneak attacks and scams!

Xiao Yang, who was so fierce and bitter, some of her teeth tickled and her wounds even hurt.

Once again, the thorny fierce python intercepted Xiao Yang.

"Roar!" An angry face with thorny fierce pythons, even if Xiao Yang was a human being, he could see the expression of this serpent.

Xiao Yang did not panic, but raised his sword.

One end of the sword exactly refers to the direction of Yan Family.

"?" Xiayang did not understand what Xiao Yang wanted to express, but this did not prevent Xiayang from attacking!

Ground, the fierce python opened his mouth wide, exposing his fangs, killing Xiao Yang.

The fierce python can't bear it anymore!

He doesn't want to go around with this human again!

"What happened to this guy? Why did it suddenly become a mad dog?"

Xiao Yang's complexion suddenly changed, he didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly avoided side attack from the fierce python.

Just now this fierce python is still a little bit afraid of sword intentions, why is it that the sky is not afraid now? ?

Xiao Yang did not dare to carelessly, and saw that Jianyi was useless, and no longer showed it to him. Suddenly struck a knife, intercepted the pace of the fierce python, and then ran forward again.

Only this time, Xiao Yang urged the spiritual power of the whole body and brought the strength of breastfeeding up!

No effort!

The mouth of the fierce python is just behind him!