I will rib you limb from limb

Arjuna watched as arrows rained down from the sky, embedding some of the skeletons in the ground. Some collapsed instantly, never to move again, while others had their limbs pinned down, desperately grasping for Arjuna.

Arjuna lit the two bombs in his hand and tossed them straight into the hordes of skeletons on his left and right.

The moment the bombs left Arjuna's hands he reached back for his bow as his left and reached back for 3 arrows.

In a quick precise motion, he loaded his bow and shot at the three closest skeletons. The huge masses of skeletons approached him and the tree he was currently on top of.

The sound of bombs detonating could be heard a few seconds later, shaking the ground and blasting the remains of skeletons far away.

Arjuna's vision was so obstructed by the white mist that he could barely make out the explosions caused by the bombs.

The notifications came flooding in, but Arjuna didn't have time to look at them. He grabbed another arrow and shot directly into the skull of a skeleton that was just about to stretch its hand out to the tree.

Sweat poured down his forehead as Arjuna reached for another arrow. The skeletons had already reached the tree he was on and soon eventually he would get swarmed.

It was eventual and as Arjuna looked around, he saw no way out. The literal hundreds of skeletons stretched out surrounding Arjuna and the tree he was on.

Another twang and another skeleton fell to the ground. The many skeletons started to reach towards the trunk of the tree, Arjuna had to constantly weave and bob his head to avoid the arrows of the skeleton archers.

The skeletons started to climb up the tree like a mass of ants overtaking a delicious piece of fruit.

Arjuna had to kick down skeletons as they got higher up the tree. But no matter how many skeletons he was able to kick down, or stab. More replaced them, their gleaming red eyes glaring at him as they constantly kept on reaching for him as if they were coveting his life.

Arjuna ran through all of his available skills and tools. He had poisons from his master, but they didn't work on the undead. He had bombs but then he would get caught in the blast radius. He had a few archer skills remaining and a bit of mana. But most of them were single damage types and were made for dealing with a singular target. There was no way they could help him. The only thing left was a single skill he had gotten from raising the growth rate of the seed of darkness.

He hadn't used it yet, being cautious of the people of WOW who feared the darkness element. But now was a better time than ever to use it.

(dark fire)

Arjuna activated his last useful remaining skill hoping it could do something.

The first thing he noticed was that the remaining bits of mana was instantly sucked out and a cold vacuum feeling seemed to form on his right hand.

Arjuna looked at it to see a pitch-black flame burning on his right hand. He had unconsciously gripped his fists and the flame covered his hands completely.

Arjuna didn't have time to admire the effects of his new skills but instead, he directly punched a skeleton that had just grasped his dangling right foot.

When the flame touched the skeleton, it was instantly obliterated.

The flame spread out from Arjuna's fist, through the skeleton, destroying it in the process, along with the other skeletons climbing up the tree and landing on the ground, exploding out in a wide circle.

Taking out dozens of skeletons in a second, instantly clearing out any skeletons in Arjuna's immediate vicinity.

Arjuna looked in shock at the sudden small birth he was given by the skill. But with no time to waste, he pulled a few mana potions from his inventory and started to down them as he watched his surroundings carefully.

He was expecting the gleaming red eyes of the skeletons to get closer and closer again just like last time. But instead, they started to slowly disappear one by one into the white mist.

A queasy and shaky voice shrieked out suddenly

"What is this? another dark element user?"

Arjuna whirled around looking for the source of the voice. But just like last time the mist deprived him of that privilege.

"Who are you?"

He shouted out holding his bow looking around nervously.

The shaky voice continued one ignoring Arjuna's question.

"I was just like you, I even had companions just like yours, ahhh yes, those were precious times"

The shaky voice continued, it seemed to come from all directions, whenever Arjuna thought he had pinpointed where it came from, it suddenly appeared from a totally different direction. The voice sounded similar to a middle-aged man, though it had a crazed twist to it.

"But you know what happened to us?"

The crazed voice said, his voice started to rise in both intensity and emotion.

"reality hit us, the world does not welcome people like us, and you know what happened? ahahahahaha you know what happened to us, young archer?"

The crazed voice lowered until it sounded almost like a beastlike growl.

"they hunted us, like monsters we were chased through the forests and mountains, every time they would successfully hunt down one of us, they would celebrate and party parading the items and gear of our comrade like the loot of monsters"

The crazed laughter continued getting closer and closer to Arjuna.

"do you know what it's like young archer? to see your companions hunted in front of you, watching them fall time after time, with no hope of escaping? Do you know what happens?"

In front of Arjuna, a figure slowly emerged from the white fog.

"well, this is what happens," the figure said with a deranged chuckle, walking into the vision of Arjuna.

A person who seemed to be around 40 years old walked in front. His hair was a long messy white and he had deep wrinkles on his aged face. His left eye was haphazard-looking at Arjuna with his head slightly titled as he grinned at Arjuna.

That was at least what Arjuna could make out on the left side of his face. But on his right side was something that couldn't be considered human.

The entire side was pale white, deathly and it was covered in huge blisters and holes. Arjuna could see bones and muscles underneath. He could even spot something wriggle and move on the right side. Arjuna stopped focusing on the right side not wanting to see what the source of that movement was.

The necromancer walked over to Arjuna holding a staff that had a human skull fashioned over it.

"I'm now the hunter, I now hunt those who enter the forest, a fitting ending for the hunted is it not?"

[demonically influenced necromancer (level 130)]

[description: a former affluent dark mage and alchemist corrupted by hatred and sorrow, he has been corrupted by demonic magic and has been terrorizing the east side of the forest for years]

Arjuna let out a small wheeze at the necromancer's level.

"oh man, I'm not beating that"

He said to himself, to be honest, he was feeling much more relaxed now that he could actually see his opponent. Even if it was over 50 levels above him. It was nice seeing who he was about to get screwed over by instead of some unknown enemy. In fact, the unknown enemy was the thing that made Arjuna so scared. But now, well...

The necromancer reached out with his right hand, which looked more like a monster's than a human. It was long almost claw-like with fingernails that stretched more than half a foot.

"come, young archer" is whispered in a raspy yell

"the world will not accept us, so let us make it regret everything!"

[the demonically influenced necromancer (level 130) is offering you a deal]

[will you accept?]


with almost no hesitation Arjuna reached out with his hand


The necromancer looked at Arjuna baffled.

"wha... why?"

Arjuna crossed his arms from the top of the tree thinking for a moment.

"ah I guess I have to say something"

He said to himself looking at the necromancer that had paused in sheer confusion.

Arjuna raised his finger.

"Alright first, I do NOT want to look like you, no offense, but noooo"

Arjuna raised his second finger and opened his mouth, but as he did that. The skull of a skeleton flew in landing in front of the necromancer's feet.

Alanis emerged from the white mist holding the femur bone of a skeleton. She snapped it over her knee casting the pieces of it to the side as she approached the necromancer yelling out furiously


Arjuna pointed his finger towards Alanis.

"yeah, that"