
The devestated land spoke of the disasterous fight that took place, seventhy seven planes, the land of twelve extremeties had become nothing but a desolate land with no signs of life.

And amidst it all the sole survivor, a 9 year old kid knelt before the dry corpse of whom used to be his father.

The child's name is chen mo, the son of a modest house of farmers, his mother had died early on when giving brith to him, thus leaving the pair of the father and son alone.

The proud farmer coud not raise his child while taking care of his farm,so the man that loved his farm as much as his own self, didn't hesitate to sell it. and from the few coins he had gotten the man managed to stick by his child till he reached 4 years, but soon enough he was going to run out of money, so he bought himself the nessecary equipement to become a hunter with whatever money he had eft.

As the day's passed on and the child grew, the father had noticed that his son had a disability, perhaps the diffuclt birth was the cause, the child's face was as stiff as a rock, he could not frown nor smile, but that didn't mean he was emotionless, rather his kid was a cry baby that could not express his tears, because of his peculiarity he could not make any friends, his expressionless face was like a detterent to other kids his age, it even became a reason for others to bully him, calling him names ect.

The father had to go and hunt games for him and his child to survive, but his child had no friends whatsoever to play with when he's gone, this mad ehim become the father, the mother, and the friend at the same time, he wanted to havehis child be happy no matter what, no matter what it took he would do.

That man, now lays cold and dead in front of the expressionless child, but all Chen Mo could let out was one single tear, it was but one tear but that was his first.

Chen Mo rised his small head and gazed at the silhouette far away, he couldn't see how the guy looked nor what was he(she) was wearing, but he knew one thing, that person was the cause of this, as he clenched his small fist so hard that his nails dug deep into his palm and blood came out, the sillhouette did something, and some kind of a tunnel in the air opened infront of him, without delay he(she) walked in, and the tunnel soon after closed.

Chen Mo stood alone, amidst the broken earth , below the sorrowful red sky, the wind his only company made his cloths flutter, if one looked into his eye's one would notice the deep rage, sorrow, and resentment hidden inside.


A huge towerlike structure stood ever so firmly in the center of a city so big it housed billions on its lands, its buildings challaneged each other in height, but no other architecture could come close to the pagoda in the center, it was almost 15km's in height a dragon statue coiled around it from bottom to top, emenating off an imperial might suppressing the whole city.

On one of the pagoda's floor's a women stood by one of the windows, overlooking the city, her hair was vermillion-red and it tumbled over her shoulders, her eye's magma-red and her figure like that of a sandclock, she fashioned herself in an elegent way, wearing an unmatched imperial robe that had nine dragons sewed into it.

A beauty that could cause wars and steal the hearts of whoever looked at her.

A man dressed in armor from head to toe soon approeached the women.

« Your majesty, the northern duke requests to meet you .» said the man as his knee hit the ground, his eyes had nothing but respect in them.

Right after, a southing voice came from the woman's mouth as she walked towards the throne statued at the back of the room.

« Let him in » she said.

Soon enough a man of tall stature, brown hair, and red eyes walked in, he knelt infront of the throne and opened his mouth to speak.

« Your majesty the land of twelve extremeties has finally opened »

At the statement of the middle aged man, the women frowned.

« You mean to tell me the 77 planes has opened ? »

« Indeed your majesty »

The women frowned even further, but that served just to make her even more fasinating to look at.

'According to my calculations it should have taken atleast 50 years for that place to open, what could have happened ? did someone else intervene ?'

The women raised her head and gazed at the sky outside the window once more.

'It's been 20 years, little brother i will surey avenge you'

« Send our troops in as soon as possible, finding my brothers corpse is your priorty, if any obstacle stands i your way, excute ite »

Her voice had grown considerbly colder as she spoke.

« Immeadiatly, your majesty "