Combine Pink and Indigo (Part 1)

I was shocked. Robert had given me brotherly comments over the years, and I have gotten more since I moved away from the orphanage, but this is the first time anyone had ever called me gorgeous. "You don't mean that Olive, I am the same white freak of nature that I was twenty minutes ago." She shook her head back and forth fervently. "Kid's right. You may be colorless, but you look like a designer drew you, and just didn't color in the drawing." said Robert. "Hardy har har." I faked a laugh. There is no way they weren't teasing me. No one had ever even acknowledged me as so much as 'cute' before. "Violet, you look like a model. No one is messing with you." said Ed, reading my mind. "Your good old dad wouldn't lie to you now would he?" I could tell he was being serious, as he had sincerity in his eyes. Reading Ed could be difficult, but I could definitly tell that he was serious this time. He isn't known for his sense of humor either. " guys really think so?" I managed to ask. "You said yourself five year olds can't keep secrets right?" said Robert. "They can't keep secrets, but they can lie through their teeth." I replied. "I resent that!" Olive shouted. Robert put both of his hands on my shoulders "I was expecting a compliment or something, but he shook me back and forth instead "It isn't very colorful of you to be bashful. "Okay okay okay. I believe your sincerity. Now stop shaking me before I throw up." I said. He stopped. Olive held my hand "You really are pretty, I bet Julia and Sin will want to take pictures of you." I breathed a heavy breath. "I have a pretty awesome family." I smiled, and we all left.

When we arrived at the studio building; Olive led the way back to Julia's desk. "Hey Julia." I said, but she looked right through me. Olive looked up "I think you are pretty don't, worry about Julia." I followed her line of sight to see her staring at Robert. Robert and Ed were bickering about something, and neither noticed Julia. "I see Jules, you like the tall golden type huh?" I said, gently elbowing the side of her arm. She snapped out of her gaze "No! No! I umm... he is your boyfriend I just..." Julia said frazzled. Olive and I both began cracking up. "He isn't my boyfriend. He is my brother." I said. "Olive spoke up too, "My sister wouldn't stoop that low. She has higher standards." Then Julia cocked her head to the right. "Sister...?" she said surprised and confused. I explained the situation to her. She nodded while I was talking, but I don't think she got it all. "Now back to golden boy." I said. Julia blushed, if she wasn't already pink, she certainly was now. "You know he is a nice guy, has a good sense of humor, good family," I winked at that last part, "is strong with that golden body, and with those blue..." Sin snuck up behind us stopping me. "Indigo." He said. Julia, Olive, and I all looked to him "What?" we asked. "His eyes aren't blue they are indigo." he said "Well that explains a lot." I said. "Hey Robert come here, we got something to tell you." He snuck away from Ed. "Hey girls and guy." He said. "Robert, this is beautiful, nice, charming, single lady, is Julia," Julia blushed hard and glared at me. "and this is my new boss Sin." I said. "Seriously" said Sin "What kind of intro was that? You introduced Julia making her sound like royalty." Sin said, obviously oblivious to the reason why I introduced Julia like I did. "Fine" I said "Robert this is Sin my eye catching, successful, very color knowledgable, boss." "Much better." Sin said with a smile. "You golden boy have Indigo eyes, not blue." said Sin. Robert responded "Indigo is not an eye color." I rolled my eyes at him. "Robert remember in elementary school, how we learned some colors evolve over time, like pink and orange have only been around in the last century. Indigo is a color like that, except it is less common." I explained. "So uh what does 'indigo' mean?" asked Robert. "Well it is somewhere between blue and purple." explained Sin, "So essentially you make choices that lead to a beautiful future. Or at least that is what's thought so far. Not a whole lot of people know they are Indigo, much like you. They think they are dark blue or purple." Sin seems to know what he is talking about, as if he has first hand experience. "And you" he said pointing to me, "look faboulous!" Right out of a magazine, one that was printed in black and white. You could even be a model here with that kind of look. It was hard to tell before with those hand me down rags you wore before. It is to your disadvantage right now, but as a model, and a unique one at that, you and I could become rich and famous." Sin said obviously trying to woo me with his words. "Nice try boss, but you know there is a very very high likelyhood that you could also go bankrupt because of me. If people, like they always have, think your 'unique' model is scary, you will lose all kinds of funding. Then the best photographer would be out of a job, and Olive would have to get her pictures taken by some second rate photographer living in their mom's basement." I roped Olive into this to make her agree with me. "For now, I am extremely excited to work behind the scenes.". He huffed "Fine then, here is your phone." I was so excited this was the first electronic device I had ever owned. I wanted to maintain professionalism, but I couldn't help but smile. "I have a mother and twin daughters coming in for a shoot in thirty minutes, are you ready for your first official job?" Sin asked. I smiled even bigger "Yes yes of course" I said. I walked over to my modge podge family. "Okay I am going to start work now. Ed can you put your phone number into my new cell, so I can call you when I am done. He grabbed my cell phone, looked at it confused, then handed it to Olive. She rolled her eyes, "Daddy is smart and good with many things, but technology is not one of them." She put Ed's phone number in my phone, took a selfie, made it my screen saver, then gave the phone back to me. I smiled at the picture. I smiled, and gave her and Ed both a kiss on the forehead. "What about me? Robert opened his arms for a hug. "Ask Julia, I bet she would be happy to comply." This time Robert was the one blushing. "Bye guys. Love ya." I said as I walked away.

I followed Sin to what was now my makeup room. "There were four chairs with vanities in front. Each had every hair tool and makeup set I could ever need on the opposite side was a large empty closet. I assumed this was for when people took multiple pictures, and needed different outfits. "This is awesome" I said. "Do I pick out outfits as well?" I asked. "Some clients don't know what how exactly want their children to dress like, so when that happens: you think of an outfit, describe it to our designers, and that outfit will be made. After they are dressed, you can do their hair and makeup." I nodded. "It sounds amazing. Is there anything I should know about these children before they get here?" He rubbed his chin, trying to think of an answer. "Their names are Daisy and Rose McTavish. They are ten years old. One has green skin green hair and pink eyes, the other is the complete opposite; though I can't remember which is which. One is very shy the other is very outgoing. Oh, and the mother is a complete helicopter mom, so try to bare with her, it won't be easy, I am not sure about their father." said Sin. "What is the theme and back drop of the photo shoot." I asked. "They are doing a Fall theme. Orange and brown leafy floor, with birch trees in the background." said Sin. " ...and are they coming with their own outfits?" I asked again. "You never know with the McTavish twins." said Sin. "Any more questions?" he asked. "Nope that will do it." I said, it was obvious he was in a hurry to set up his cameras so he wouldn't be late. I went to the makeup room and readied two chairs. The McTavish twins soon arrived with their father this time. I was prepared for a helicopter mom, but I didn't know how to treat their father. Sin greeted them, and I stood beside him quietly waiting for my introduction. "This is Miss Foster, my stylist. She is working for me as a favor. She primarily works as a personal stylist for one of my other clients, but she was willing to spare some of her precious free time for you." Sin said. It was obvious he was trying to up sell me, so they wouldn't question my age or color. "Hey why is she white?" said Mr. McTavish. Sin opened his mouth, but before any words came out I butted in. "I was born with no color, so I made it a point to give children the style and colors that I never got." I said. I felt like that was enough to make him both pity me, and take me seriously. "That sounds right." he said. "Come on kiddos, it's time to go make you camera ready. I noticed the twin with green hair and skin, with pink eyes, was hiding behind her father. I went back to her and bent my legs so I could see her eye to eye. "You know," I said "I was scared of new people and new things a lot when I was little. I even used to hide, but you know what?" I said "I found out the secret to being brave, is to keep your head up high, and fake being brave. When people see you and think you are brave they respect you, and then you don't have to be scared." She looked a little less scared, but still wasn't coming. "Is your name Daisy, or ?" I asked. "D..Daisy." she replied in a studder. "Well Daisy did you know I have a flower name too. Just like you and your sister." She looked curious, at my last statement. If you come with me I will tell you about my name, and also why I am kind of scary looking. Don't worry I am nice." I said. She came out of behind her father and followed me into the styling room, holding her sister's hand the whole way. I sat them both in chairs. Their father followed with a huge pile of clothes, he just dropped the pile on the floor and left. "Okay Daisy and Rose, my name is Violet. Rose snickered. "I know, pretty funny name for a lady without any purple, huh?" I said, lightening the mood. "Now let's try and make you girls prettier than you already are, and I will tell you about my name, and maybe you can tell me about yours." They both seemed pretty calm after that. Maybe the new clothes did make a difference. Children were always terrified by me when I wore my old clothes. "Now girls, do you want to match, or do you want to be different?" I asked. "We get to choose?" asked Rose surprised. "Well I get to pick the outfits, but you get your own opinion. "We want to match." said Daisy. "You can never tell we are twins when we don't match." Rose nodded. I was amazed how calm Daisy had become in the past few minutes. I went through the pile. I picked out two matching yellow pleaded pea coats. two pairs of patterned black and white leggings, and 2 pairs of yellow rubber rain boots. I put the girls in their matching outfits. Both girls got double top sloppy buns. Each bun had a small ribbon with the same pattern as their leggings. Then came makeup. Neither girl was given lip stick, just a light lip balm. I did their eye makeup in a nude pallet, and gave them both black mascara. The girls walked out of the makeup room. Sin smiled, giving me a look of approval. The girls' dad was crying. "My babies are so adorable." I smiled at him, "They were already pretty adorable. I didn't have to work very hard to make them look like this. They are both so well behaved too." I led them to where they would be taking their pictures following Sin. I noticed Daisy didn't appear to be comfortable. "Sin can you stop for a moment?" He stopped shooting. I walked over to Daisy. "Hey Little One. Remember what I said before, about pretending to be brave? Just pretend for a little bit today. You don't have to be pretend for too long, but can you pretend in front of the camera. When Sin takes pictures, and you look brave in the pictures, everyone will see how brave you were today. I bet it would make your mom and dad really happy. Just follow Rose's example... okay?" I asked. Daisy nodded her head and gave me a very believable smile. "That's a good girl, You only have to pretend until the camera is done. Let's go." I said, I walked off the set, and stood next to Sin. He was very focused on taking pictures, he truly was a professional. After the shoot Sin pulled up the pictures on a laptop, having their father pick the pictures out. The girls were standing either side of him, looking at the screen as well. I knelt next to Daisy "See you look so much more beautiful when you smile." I commented. She smiled at me again and mumbled "Thank you...for the advise." I smiled back at her and nodded. Soon after the three of them left. I was cleaning up my stations when I noticed Sin leaning against the door frame. "Daisy is one of the most timid children I have ever known. Those twins have been coming here for six years, and that is the first time I have seen her smile. How did you do it?" Well while I was doing the girls' makeup I talked about how weird and shy I was when I was little, and that I have a flower name too. Once a child relates to you on a personal level, they tend to listen better. I gave her the advise that I believed was true for years, 'Fake it till you make it'. If she does it for a while she will see that you can't pretend to act brave, you just are being brave. Once she figures that out she will come out of her shell." I explained. "You really had a messed up childhood didn't you?" he asked. "You bet." I replied. I looked confused at first, like he didn't understand how I could say it, and not be sad; but he shrugged his shoulders not asking any questions. "Well fortunately for you, your past is working pretty well for me. Keep up the good work." He said. He paused for a second. "Is that how you got Olive to like you, before you were sisters?" he asked. "Nope, that was just dumb luck, she liked that you liked her outfit, and since I picked out the outfit by proxy she just liked me. I also blackmailed her into obedience." I said. He looked kind of scared "You blackmailed...a five year old? If it wasn't Olive I would ask if you had a soul." He sounded dumb founded. "Well it worked, even if my blackmail was a false threat. She is insanely smart for a five year old, so I am not afraid to threaten her, she has threatened to get me fired many times, so nothing could really hurt my conscience." He nodded "That is true. Don't threaten any other clients though." I laughed, "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Are you sure you don't want to be a model?" Sin asked again. "Are you sure you want to go bankrupt?" I replied sarcastically. "I am going to stick with kids, it is good pay for both of us." Then an evil brilliant idea popped into my head. My brother was a mail carrier now, and I am shipping him and Julia. "Hey Sin, how do you feel about match making?" I asked "Go on." He said with an evil smile. "My brother is a mail carrier now. Can you make sure that you can make it so he has to deliver your mail to Julia's desk?" Sin held his evil smile, "I like how you think Miss Foster. It his been a long time since I have meddeled in anyone's business. This could be fun. Are you shipping them or messing around?" he asked. I knew if I answered wrong, I would not be getting his help, but I only had one goal in mind, and couldn't lie. "I am totally shipping them. Despite my brother's looks, he has never dated. He is a master at flirting, but has no idea how to have a regular conversation with a woman. I don't really count, because we are family. Robert and I tell eachother everything, whether it is on purpose or not. Once I am sure that they like eachother, I am sure he will ask for advise. I could tell Julia had an instacrush on Robert. You should've seen how much she was blushing, it was embarrassing to watch." I said. "With my help," Sin said "I can boost up that girl's self esteem. With our power combined, we should be unstoppable." "Then it's a deal." I said "Operation J.A.R. is a go." Sin looked confused "Jar?" is asked. "Short for Julia and Robert. If they hear that they won't understand what we are talking about." I explained. "Good idea. I'll file the paperwork, you go home with your family." I looked behind me and could see Ed, Olive, and Robert sitting in the waiting room. I nodded my head and left.

"All done folks, let's go." I said as I walked towards them. "How did it go?" asked Ed. "It went perfectly; not a problem at all." I said happily. After Robert had his back turned I whispered to Olive, "I have something secret to talk about when we get home. When we get there ask me to play dolls in your room. Okay?" She did her best to wink, and gave me an okay sign with her hand. After my first successful job we went out for celebratory ice cream before going home. As soon as we got home and took off our shoes Olive asked if I could go with her and play dolls. I acted ignorant to our plans. "Well Squirt I think I need to make dinner maybe another time." I said. Olive caught on quickly, and made a pouty face, making forced tears well up in her eyes. Ed stopped us. It's okay girls, I will make dinner. You go play." Ed said, as we expected. We smiled at eachother and ran up the stairs. "Okay what is our big secret plan?" Olive asked straight to the point. "You like Julia right?" I asked. "Yes she is my second favorite girl. You are my first favorite." said Olive. "Ahh you are my favorite too." I said. I shook my head to remember what the purpose of this secret meeting was about. "So my plan is to make her our family. She is too old to adopt like your dad did with me, but if she married Robert than she would be our family." I whispered, despite the fact that we were the only ones on the floor. "So we need to discreetly talk about how cool Julia is in front of Robert, but he can't know that we are actually trying to impress him. He needs to think it was just randomly brought up in conversation. We can't just walk up and talk to him about how awesome Julia is. Does that make sense." I asked. Olive nodded "Just like on TV." she said "Yes...we really need to monitor what you watch." I commented. "You have known her longer, so just pretend you are telling me things about her, just wait to do it while he is in the room. That way he will think he likes her without intervention. Sin is helping too; on Julia's side. Julia is shy and Robert is an idiot, but with help we can make this work. We are calling it 'Operation J.A.R." I explained more. Olive spoke up "Why operation jar?" "When you learn to spell things I will tell you." I said. "Okay you have to pinky promise me that you will keep this a secret." We locked our pinkies and promised to keep operation J.A.R. a secret.

I am not sure what color this will get me, but it is going to be very very fun.