
Damon moved around an area near the river, he was drawing things on trees with his knife and in the ground with a random stick.

Quite a few thoughts went through his mind, but the most important one was about his new idea.

'I have to test the application of my magic in regards to a supporting role... Since it can enhance me a lot, it should be able to have a massive effect on another wizard. The self enchants like Durastren only work on me, I have to resort to area enchants and see how much I can enhance the power of another wizard.' He thoughts and looked to his left.

Natsu was arguing with Happy as the two fought over food, when Natsu saw him looking over, he flashed him a grin and waved his hand. "Hey! Come help me!" Happy suddenly flew over with an indignant face.

Damon simply ignored the flying car, Happy didn't seem to notice though, "Natsu is being mean... He won't give me food!"

Natsu was taken aback, "HEY! Look at your belly, why do you need all my food?! At least take half..."

Damon sighed, 'These two won't stop talking... So much energy...' They had been talking and jumping around since early morning.

He focused back on his work, he knew that Natsu was a fire mage and that meant he had to enhance fire magic with an area enchant. The only way he knew how to do that was to increase the power of fire, and that meant increasing the oxygen in the air. So he had been busy doing that.

Damon wanted to experiment and see how much he could enhance a fellow wizard, the current situation was perfect. He had a river monster to defeat and he knew where it was going to be, Natsu was also there to be his test subject.

The idea had come to him right before sleeping the day before, his body had been exhausted from the fight but his mind was not that tired, overthinking things led to him getting the desire for this experiment.

He carved the last part on a tree and looked at the area, it was right next to the barren and destroyed part that the battle of yesterday had taken place.

He nodded to himself and turned to Natsu, "Remember, bring the monster here. Your flame is not hot enough to go through its defense, so fighting him here will help with that."

Natsu nodded absentmindedly as he wolfed down a big piece of meat, he had hunted a boar and had cooked it to eat as breakfast...

The scent of the meat reached Damon and his stomach awakened, roaring with great might, demanding sustenance. He was not shy at all, he quickly joined the human-cat duo and began eating.

Both people froze, Natsu looked at the food in front of him and then at Damon who looked more like a black hole than a human, he became nervous and ate faster. Happy noticed this and panicked.

Damon stopped after a while, Natsu rejoiced in his heart only to despair after he took whatever was left. "HEY!"

Damon looked back at him, "What? I will use my magic on this and then you can eat it. Now go agro... I mean attack the monster and get it here."

Natsu hesitated for a few seconds and nodded, fire coming to life around his fists, "Easy."

He ran toward the river, Happy followed him, "Wait for me..."

A few seconds later, the sound of explosions came from the river. A roar soon followed after and slowly got closer.

Damon prepared as he summoned his magic power, the symbols over the area lit up in orange light as some form of enchantment activated, Damn could instantly feel the air becoming different. He began coughing a little as he quickly walked out of the area. 'Too much oxygen is bad...' The air in the area had become more than 90% oxygen.

He didn't rest though, he flowed his magic to a piece of meat that he held and enchanted it to give the person who ate it a strength boost and stop them from getting oxygen poisoning by speeding up their metabolism for a short while, this in and of itself made the effect of enhanced strength greater.

Natsu didn't care as he dived headfirst into the area, the fire around his body suddenly exploded in an arc around him, seemingly going crazy. Natsu stopped and looked at it with a stunned expression.

Before he could say anything, Damon shouted, "Eat this!" He tossed him a piece of meat.

He jumped and caught it like a dog as if by instinct, and chewed on it. The monster finally reached there, blowing away trees on its way and chasing Natsu.

Damon waited to see the outcome with focus. He was eager to see how much he could affect another individual at the moment.

Natsu felt his body becoming much lighter than he was used to, a strange warmth spread to his body. He felt stronger than ever as flames raged around him. He was shocked but the roar of the monster woke him up.

A brilliant smile appeared on Natsu's face, "Now I am fired up..." He said as he dashed at the coming monster.

The flames around him became much more intense, burning all the trees close by, even Damon could feel the heat on his face from his position, the difference was much more than he had expected.

The monster stopped its advance as it noticed the threat but it was too late.

The fire around Natsu got even hotter, it spiraled around his fist and the light coming from it became really bright. From afar, it seemed as if Natsu had become a ball of fire and his fist a small sun.

Damon began sweating as he retreated, 'Holy... Isn't the difference too much?!'

Natsu had an excited grin on his face, relishing in the feeling of the temporary power, he punched with all he had.

'Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!'

The moment his fist came into contact with the Monster, fire exploded in every direction as if a dam had been broken, it poured everywhere intensely with great momentum, the roaring flames burnt everything on their path to ashes. The surrounding woods were incinerated in the blink of an eye.

But these flames were only the sideshow.

The main part of the attack instantly turned the monster into ash and even the ash was burnt, it didn't stop at all and continued for a hundred meters, reaching the river and vaporizing the water there causing the surroundings to not only become very hot but also very humid as mist covered everything.

Damon took a deep breath to calm down, 'It basically made his attack on par with a high S-class or even a Wizard Saint's... Don't tell me my magic is best as a supporting one? No, I can also cast fire magic, maybe not as good as this but with the right enchants, it should be possible. If I make some items that increase fire attack power and a few to increase the oxygen around me with a mask to protect me from oxygen poisoning...' A few ideas popped up in his mind.

Damon was satisfied with the results, many new ideas came to him. His magic may not have been the best but it had limitless applications and possibilities, he felt like he had not even arrived at the doorstep of its potential.

Suddenly Natsu grabbed his shoulders while he was thinking and shook them with excitement, there were stars in his eyes, " Did you see that?! We have got to do this again! I can beat Erza, maybe even Gildarts! Just imagine the look on his face when I burn his hair off, hahaha!"

Happy who had observed everything decided to secretly ask Damon and see if he could make him invisible, he wanted to steal some fish...

Damon was pestered by them all the way back to Magnolia, in the end, he swore to never go on jobs with them and ran away as fast as he could.

He made sure to take the keys back from Mirajane, he did not want unwanted guests in his house like Lucy...

But he had underestimated Natsu's stubbornness.