Demon Abilities

My Dad walked over to the couch and sat down. Me and Mom did the same. "I am a demon and your mother was human. This makes you half demon and half human. I would have told you sooner, but I wasn't sure if you were actually going to be half demon or not." I am amazed by what I'm hearing,but I have one question: "If you're a demon, then how come you look human?"

    "All demons have the ability to make themselves look human, this is an ability you will need to learn." I wonder what he looks like in demon form. "Dad, can I see you in demon form?" He looked at me for a second then closed his eyes. We were the same except he had no horns, his lips weren't black, and his skin was a dark blue.

    He opened his eyes "The pain you had from changing into your demon form will eventually stop. It stopped hurting me when I was only about 12. I was born a demon and I learned to switch to my human form when I was 9."

    "So, the pain from switching forms ended after 3 years?" I asked in a worried voice. "Yes, but it's not the same for everyone. It could take a lot longer or a much shorter amount of time." he said in an assuring voice.

    "So, besides flying do we have any special powers?" I asked. "Well, we have super strength and speed, we can control other people, and teleport. Some demons have other powers besides this." "Wow, how exactly do I do this stuff?" 

Dad laughed at me and said "To teleport just think of somewhere you would like to go, and imagine going there. As for the others they come naturally."  I thought about going to the other side of the room and suddenly I was there. "Whoa. Holy crap that's awesome."

I walked back over to the couch and sat down. "Umm Dad, the other kids aren't supposed to know about this, right?" "No, no they are not." I thought about this for a minute. "Well they should be home in a few minutes, so if you don't want them knowing, you should probably teach me how to go back into my human form."

"About that, while you are in your human form, you will still be able to use your powers. If you notice you have any other powers, tell me as soon as possible. To change back into your human form concentrate very hard and imagine the change happening." I closed my eyes and concentrated, I imagined my human form. When I opened my eyes, I could still see my red skin. I frowned. "It didn't work."

"It's okay, just try again." I tried again and when I opened my eyes I was in my human form again. I looked up at Dad, he was also in his human form now. "Great job." he said. "Thanks. So, it's only painful to change into demon form?" I asked curiously. "Hmm, usually it's painful to change back into a human form. Was it not painful for you?" 

"No." He looked at me for a moment. "Hmm, maybe you're stronger than most demons. Try changing into your demon form again." I closed my eyes and concentrated on changing back into my demon form and when I opened my eyes, I was a demon. "Did you feel any pain?" Dad asked. "No, there was no pain at all." "Interesting." he said. I changed back into my human form and then the other kids got home.

Amy came in speaking a mile a minute "Oh my God, Rose something strange happened at the middle school. Our teachers won't tell us what it is. Do you know what happened?" Me and Dad looked at each other and then I said "No, I left early. I got sick halfway through the day." 

"Too much dairy?" she asked. "Yeah,probably." Just then Noah spoke up, "Aww, that means we can't have chicken dorito for dinner tonight." I rolled my eyes, "I'll still make chicken dorito, I just won't eat it." 

"Do you have any homework?" Mom asked. "I have a little math." Michelle said. Mom looked at Noah "Noah?" He looked up from the book he was reading, "No." 

"Ok, well those of you who do have homework get it done." She then looked at Dad, "Can you take Rose to the store to get stuff for dinner?" Dad looked really annoyed by the task, but he got to his feet and said "Come on." 

I followed him out to the car and we drove to the store in silence, which is normal for us. When we got to the store I started hearing a voice. Even though I'm used to hearing things that aren't really there, it still bugged me. 

My Dad saw my annoyed expression, "What's your problem?" he asked. I looked up at him and sighed "I'm hearing voices again." He lifted one eyebrow and asked "When did that first start?" I thought about it for a moment "A few days after Mom died, I think." 

He was silent for a moment, considering his words carefully. "Rose, concentrate very hard on voices you think aren't really there." I looked at him confused, "Ok." 

I concentrated very hard like he said. I didn't understand why he wanted me to do this. I kept concentrating and suddenly I heard "Can you hear me?" It was Dad, I heard Dad's voice as if I could read his mind! "Woah! I-I heard your voice." He smiled slightly, "And what did I say exactly?" I looked at him "You asked if I could hear you?"

"Rose, I think being a demon is giving you the ability to read minds." My jaw dropped. I was speechless, I had always wanted this power and now I have it.

Dad's grin got bigger, "You're going to be one powerful demon."