School Ends

A month went by and we were already in the last week of school. "So, how's the whole demon thing going?" Hayley asked quietly. I glared at her, "You know I'm not supposed to talk about it, and you are not supposed to bring it up." "Ok, God I'm sorry." I was still glaring "Don't ask again, or you will regret it." If she doesn't keep her mouth shut, I can't save her from the consequences.

    On the bus ride home, a nice senior talked to me about her experiences in high school. I congratulated her on graduating. The rest of the day was peaceful and easy. At dinner I was able to eat human food and like it, although that's not what I wanted. I still remember what his blood tasted like, sweet and warm. To be honest I was craving more blood, but I didn't say anything to Dad. 

    Now I am able to completely block out other people's thoughts. I discovered I had the power to be invisible whenever I want. It bugs Dad a lot, but he can get over it. 

    The next day in school I gave my friends a picture of me, because for some reason they like pictures of me. "I don't care what you do to it, as long as I don't have to see it. Deal?" Grayce smiled, "Deal." I sat in silence until a seventh grader sat next to me. He looked at Grayce and then at me, and then back at Grayce. He turned back to me, "Are you guys related?" he asked, gesturing to Grayce.

    I glared at him, "No, we are not related." "Oh, well you guys look exactly the same." I clenched my hands into fists, "Grayce!" she didn't hear me. "Grayce!" I tried again, and still nothing. "Grayce! Hello, blonde kid over there." That did it. She turned to me. "This kid says we look alike." She laughed, "It's like fifth grade all over again. Do you remember when Ms.Ferrell would say 'Rose, sit down.' when she was talking to me and not you?" I laughed, "Yeah, or when she would say 'Hey, Grayce would you take these papers to Mrs.Mitchell for me?' And I'm over here like, do I look like Grayce to you? I think not." We laughed some more then we were dismissed from the cafeteria.

I sat down at my desk and immediately started studying for my test in history. "I'm so gonna fail this test," said my friend Layla. "Dude, me too." Just then Coach Butler spoke up "You guys have ten minutes to study." We all started studying as soon as he said that. When the ten minutes were up I said, "You ready to fail this test Layla?" She nodded her head. "Totally, we'll fail it together." 

Presenting my project in second period went the same as usual. When my name was called I turned as red as a tomato. I stuttered and read it really fast, and then I was done.

My third period was boring and dragged on. I finished my project and started reading, but time went by very slowly. One by one the kids started to leave early. The middle school was having half days do to testing the last week of school. I never get picked up early on days like that. I stay until the school bus brings me home.

    That night after school Dad called me and I assumed I had to do the dishes or something, but I was wrong. "Rose, you have to go to Hell." he said. "I what?!" I asked. He took a deep breath and repeated himself, "You have to go to Hell." He said it like it wasn't a big deal, like this was completely normal. 

    This was completely insane, cool, but insane. I didn't know why I had to go. I didn't know if I could handle going to Hell. Would it be too dangerous? Would I be targeted a lot? "Is it even safe?" I asked. "For you? Yes." he said. 

    "What do you mean?" I asked. "You're a very respected demon, everyone in Hell knows who you are. No one in Hell would ever dream of giving you trouble because they know they would immediately regret it." he explained. "What makes me so special?" He laughed, "You'll find out in Hell." 

I was going to ask more questions but it was time for dinner so I didn't have time. Once I was done with dinner I wanted to ask Dad more questions, but he was busy so I started my chores. I didn't get a chance to ask him anything else that night. 

I went to bed early that nightmare. I woke up at 3:00am and decided to read, as I was reading I could hear some more voices. One voice in particular stood out the most, Michelle's. She was asleep so I think I was hearing her dream. In her dream she was arguing with Noah about youtubers. I eventually got bored listening to her dream and decided to block her out and try to go back to bed.

The next morning at school people were talking about what they were going to do over the summer. My friend approached me looking very excited, "Guess what I'm doing over summer break!" she said. "Umm, sleeping?" I said in a questioning tone. She rolled her eyes, "Yes, but that's not what I meant. I'm going to Africa!" she exclaimed. My jaw dropped and it took me a minute to respond because I was very jealous. "Are you serious?!" I asked. "Yes! I'll be there all summer. My Dad told me last night, we're going as a family. My Mom wants to study their cultures or something." she shrugged. 

The bell rang, dismissing us to our third periods. When I got there I picked up our warm up assignment and headed to my desk. I was halfway through the assignment when everything around me froze, it was like time itself stopped. Everyone was frozen in place, there was no sound other than the sound of me breathing. I stood up and tried to get their attention, but they were all frozen, everything was frozen.

Then, a small white ball of light formed in the air. I stepped back from it, confused as to how it got there. It started to get larger and whiter until all I was consumed in a blinding white light. When it finally dimmed and disappeared, I noticed I was no longer in school. 

It was very dark here, not that there wasn't any light, but everything seemed darker. There was a river that seemed to be blood instead of water and all the trees were dead. It was also very, very hot. I then realized I was no longer on Earth, I was in Hell. I was admiring my surroundings when I heard someone, "Like what you see?" the voice said. 

I turned around to see a demon who was red like me. He was tall, muscular, and had huge wings, claws and horns. A very powerful aura was coming from him, which made me assume he was Satan. "Are you...the Devil?" He smiled at me and said, "I most certainly am, now follow me." he then started to walk away. 

I followed him to what looked like a castle made of stone, it was a dark crimson. He led me to what looked like a conference room. "Have a seat." he said while gesturing to one of the chairs. I did as he said and waited for him to speak. "Your father did inform you that you were needed here, right?" he asked. "Yes, sir." I said. He looked pleased, "Did he tell you why?" 

I frowned a little, "No, sir." He looked at me with a puzzled face, "Why do you seem so upset?" I didn't mean to seem that way. "I'm not, really. I was just disappointed because I didn't know why I had to come here, when I was going to come here, or even how I was going to get here." I explained. He shook his head, "I'm sorry. I'll make sure to talk to your father. I'm sorry you didn't know anything about why you are here." he said. 

"Sir, why am I here?" I asked. He sighed, "Rose, when I feel you are ready, and when I am ready to retire, you will be taking over as the ruler of Hell. You will be the Devil."