Training and Education

    My first week of training had rolled around very quickly. School was out, which was helpful. "What are we starting with?" I asked Dad. My Dad threw a punch, aiming for my face. I ducked just in time. When I looked back up, Dad smirked. "Quick reflexes and dodging." he said. 

    Then he delivered a swift kick to my gut that sent me flying. "Jesus Christ, Dad. What the hell man?! Please excuse my language!" Dad shook his head. "I told you we're working on quick reflexes and dodging." 

    Dad and I kept training for a few more hours. He threw kicks and punches, I dodged most of them. He threw balls and other objects and I had to catch them, I did ok at that. I used a little more vulgar language, and Dad didn't care. 

    When we were done training I took a shower. When I got out of the shower Amy asked: "Can I braid your hair?" I shrugged "Sure, dutch braids please." I handed her my brush and sat down in front of her.

    "Why are you and Dad training?" she asked. "Um, I want to learn to fight but we don't have the money for classes." I lied smoothly. "Oh." she said. 

    "Do you think he'd let me train too?" she asked. "I don't know." She finished the first braid. "Just a second." I said. Then I turned around and looked her in the eyes to compel her. When she looked dazed I said "You don't want to train with us. You don't want to train at all." I said in a compelling voice. She nodded her head. "I don't want to train." 

    I turned back around so she could finish braiding my hair. We talked about summer and other foolish things like usual. Training was not brought up again. Dad won't be happy that I compelled her, but he'll get over it.

    Throughout the day Dad randomly threw things at me. He was testing my reflexes. Later that night I was cooking and he came out of his room and threw a ball at me, "Think fast." he said. I quickly put the steaming pot down and caught the ball. "Jeez Dad, I am  trying to cook." I said. He lifted an eyebrow, "Do you not want to train?" he asked. "Uh, I mean. Thanks Dad, your training methods are very helpful."

Dad didn't stop throwing things at me until I went to bed that night. I slept for a few hours before waking up from a nightmare. There was no point in trying to go back to bed, so I went to Hell to begin my lessons. 

"It's about time you showed up." Lucifer said when I arrived. "He gave me a thick book and told me to take notes. After three hours of this he asked to see what I had gotten done. I showed him my note and he seemed pleased. "Excellent job. Now use your notes to write me an essay, it will be due in two days. I expect it to be four pages long." I scrunched up my nose and glared a little, "Yes, sir." 

I worked on my draft for my essay for about an hour before going back home. When I got back Dad was sitting on his usual chair with coffee. "How did it go?" he asked. Even though he wasn't specific, I knew he meant my lesson with Lucifer. "Well I took notes from a book for three hours. He reviewed my notes and said I did an excellent job. He then assigned me a four page essay to write and gave me two days to complete it." I said. He nodded, "Seems reasonable." 

I went to the kitchen and made some coffee for myself. When my coffee was done, I grabbed one of my books and read until everyone else got up. Mom was the last to get up like usual. When she was more awake she asked me how training and lessons with Lucifer have been. I told her they are enjoyable so far,

Later that night I went back to Hell to inform Lucifer of my progress on my essay. He was pleased to know I was almost done with my essay. He sent me home without writing anything. 

The next day I Dad and I worked on controlling my strength and aim. He had me break things and throw punches. I had to aim for the center of a target. After training I took a shower. Throughout the day Dad had me randomly break things.

When the day was over I went to Hell to turn in my essay. Lucifer read my essay. "This essay is not your best work." he said. He then threw it in the trash and told me to do it again. 

My jaw dropped. I've never had anyone throw away one of my essays like that. I couldn't argue or say anything but "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir. I 'll do much better next time. You won't even consider throwing it away."

He then started clapping, "Rose you just passed your first test. You thought it was your best, but you just told me you'd do better. Better than your best. That was a great essay. Next you'll study rules and expectations." 

"What?" I asked confused. "I wasn't being serious when I said it was not your best work. Now read all of Chapter 2 by Friday, and take notes as you read. You may go home." I went home and went back to bed, I'll tell Dad what happened later.