Dawn Star City

One month later.

The scene was slowly changing, going from grey snowy peaks to large green lands. Among these, mortal villagers worked hard on the land, breeding sheep and planting crops.

However, high in the sky, two figures passed flying on red swords. But this time, the old man was much calmer. He silently sat cross-legged on the giant sword, with his eyes closed in great concentration.

Observing closely, one would notice that a great amount of energy was currently running wild in his body. In that past month, with the help of those red pills, his cultivation went up by leaps and bounds.

From his third stage cultivation at the Body Refinement Realm, he quickly jumped to the seventh stage! That was a feat hardly seen before, making Luke extremely impressed. "Yeah, a Primordial Devil Constitution is no joke..."

As for now, he was at the last Qi circulations of his cultivation section, stabilizing the recent breakthrough. For such, during all the trip until now, Luke also tricked him in passing through a harsh combat training. Although his combat experience was quite good, at a Cultivator's level, it was nothing!

"You worked hard this past month, old man! Although you're still a bit garbage, you're getting there! Hehehehe"

Ending his last grand circulation, Merlin slowly opened his eyes in a bad mood. For the past month, that young master of his was truly a devil! Always when there was a monstrous beast around, he would do nothing and make him fight fiercely for his life!

"Many thanks for your praise, Young Master..."

"Hehehe! Come on old man, don't be like that! In less than a day, we'll arrive at Dawn Star Capital! When there, if you're with me, I'm sure you'll like it hehehe... if you get what I mean."

Ignoring his young master's shameless talk, Merlin got up on his sword just in time to observe a great view.

Some thousand miles ahead of them, a huge city rose on the horizon. It was a gigantic urban mass, filled with countless large buildings. Comparing it to his well known Great Red Hill City, the latter was like a little drop of water inside a great ocean! The City Lord Palace was pathetic when compared to the monstrous buildings ahead of him.

During their travel, Luke explained that the mass of land they were now was known as Desolate Graveyard. Compared to other landmasses of what master Luke called "The Earthly Plane", it was the most forsaken place, hated by the Heavens, and abandoned by the Worldly Qi.

As such, common people around here, like Merlin, did not even know of the existence of cultivation. However, in big centers like the Capital Citys, there were Cultivators comparable to even master Luke!

However, in that last part, Luke could not help but get a bit down as he explained briefly that at the place from where he can, he was just a youngster with potential. Even so, Merlin was perplexed! "How could there be people more powerful than young master himself!?"

But with some time, hearing lots of stories from master Luke, Merlin began to understand much better the Cultivation World's power hierarchy. Right now, he was at the bottom of the food chain. Master Luke was somewhere in the middle. As for the so-called "Old Fart" by Luke, they were at the apex of this world, holding Destiny with their own hands!

Finally getting a better understanding of his condition, instead of feeling dispirited, his old heart was filled with desire for power!

As they went on chatting, the city became bigger and bigger. At its gates, thousands of people walked in and out. Some were merchants, some were local citizens, musicians, scholars, and so on.

However, mixed together with all those common people, one could actually spot an outstanding figure here and there among the crowd. Those proud men were actually Cultivators! Where ever they walked, the people would treat them filled with respect and even some fear.

Such sites were common in Capital Cities since they were the place where this land's cultivation sects and clans gathered up. Normally, there would be three groups of such type: the City Lord Manor, the Noble Families, and the Independent Sects.

Keeping all of that in mind, Merlin became silent as they flew down when getting next to the gates.

Waiting patiently on the line, the duo progressed slowly until they arrived at the giant metal gates. Those were guarded by tall and strong men. Although there were not any cultivators among the guards, they were sufficient when it came to normal folk. Like any cultivator would dare strike up trouble with their powerful City Lord around, right?

As they proceeded to pass through the gates, the duo was suddenly blocked by two tall guards.

"It this your first time in Dawn Star City?"

Looking at the two men, Merlin just stood there silent, as his young master had everything planned already.

"Yes, my great fellas! This young master here comes for the disciple recruitment of the Sovereign Sword Sect!"

Hearing such words, the suspicion in the guard's heart well down, as such sect was indeed recruiting some young blood in the search of new talents.

"Oh, so young friend is a cultivator?"

"Certainly!" Luke responded as he left out a small fog of Qi from his hand.

Confirming Luke's words, the men's eyes were filled with respect as they bowed their heads lightly.

"Them we hope young friend has success in your journey!"

Giving a smile, Luke calmly walked through the gates. Merlin followed him closely behind, as the guards did not even put him in their eyes. Like how could such an old man be a noble Cultivator, right?

As they continued walking through the crowded streets, Luke noticed Merlin's mood.

"Don't be sad, old man! The cultivation world is a harsh place and its good that fools underestimate your strength! Hehe"

Comforted by Luke's words, Merlin forgot the guards and focused on the movement around him. Although the streets were normally busy like that day, there was an unusual number of charming and highlighted people among the commoners, cleary cultivators.

It probably had to do with the disciple recruitment held by the Sovereign Sword Sect. However, another interesting fact was that all those young master had followers just like his young master.

Some had old guys, just like him. Some had attractive women as their followers, and middle-aged people, and so on.

As so, all those figures, including themselves, were heading down to the center square of the city.

That was the place were all the prestigious Noble Families and Independent Sects grouped up and build their strongholds. Also, an interesting thing was that as Merlin arrived in this city, he felt that the Worldly Qi there was much denser than back at his old place!

Approaching the central square, Merlin finally broke his silence and set free his curiosity before it was too late.

"Young master... you being so powerful, why infiltrate such a "puny" sect?"

Staring at Merlin with a spirited face, Luke responded to his question lowly.

"That sect has one of those ancient artifacts this young master searches for!" However, Merlin was filled with more doubts with his response.

"But young master, why don't you flatten it to the ground and get what you want?"

"You're old, but still a moron! I already told you the old farts of this place have cultivations equal to mine! Even if I use my superior techniques, imagine if every Noble Family and Sect here has such an old fart!?"

"So you'll camouflage your cultivation and steal it when you become a disciple?"

"Exactly! Ain't your young master clever? Hehehehehe"

Then, as Luke continued to silently brag about his cleverness, they finally arrived at the crowded square. In the center, three middle-aged men were wearing light-blue clothes, giving out a powerful presence.

Sensing their cultivation discretely, a shiver went down Merlin's spine. Although they were not as powerful as his young master when he shattered a whole mountain for fun on their trip there, they were still quite powerful.

The man in the middle suddenly stepped a step ahead, catching everyone's attention.

"Good afternoon! As you can see, we are three elders of the Sovereign Sword Sect, and we are here to realize the disciple recruitment!"

Looking around at all the young people followed by their subordinates, he once more spoke.

"We hope that only the actual candidates stay around here..."

Hearing such words, all the young masters began giving some orders to their followers and dispensing them from the site. Luke also turned around to Melin with a little sack in his hands.

"Old man, inside this sack are some helpful pills, some mortal money, and a little pearl we can use for the means of communication! When I get everything right in there, I'll enter in contact!"

"But young master, what should I do in the meantime?"

"Hehehehe... you have two options: group up with those other fellow cultivators and explore some ruins... or have fun... There are a lot of brothels around here!!"

"Alright, alright.... this old servant will explore some ruins and... fun places around here!" Merlin responded as he fetched the small sack, giving his farewells to master Luke.

Following the stream of people, Merlin headed to an inn nearby the central plaza. Turned out his young master was quite generous, giving him plenty of gold coins. After getting himself a good room, Merlin thought about getting some information about ant possible adventures around there.

And the best place for such was in a tavern! Crossing the street, he arrived at a big tavern. The building was quite interesting: it had three levels; one for the common people, one for cultivator in general, and a V.I.P floor for special guests.

Entering the front door, Merlin observed the tavern's inside. On the first floor, there were lots of wooden tables and a small stage where some musicians played some local music.

It did not take much until a charming barmaid came to greet the new visitor with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Old master! What brings you to our Boundless Tavern?" As she said so, the maid strategically bowed a bit, showing her huge peaks.

Noticing so, Merlin only chuckled internally. Although he was an old man, he already had his youth years, so such scenes did not have much effect on him anymore.

He was thinking of hiding his cultivator identity. However, as such, finding a proper adventure would be much hard, so he had already made up his mind.

"*Cough*... this old man would like to proceed to the second floor."

Hearing Merlin's response, the maid's eyes filled with respect, with a pinch of doubt. Clearly, she has never seen a person that old roaming around being a cultivator.

"Sorry for my previous actions... but could old master show me proof of your cultivation? It's the procedure, you know... "

"Certainly!" As so, Merlin emitted a dark Qi fog from his hand.

"Great!! Please follow me, old master!"

As so, Merlin followed the maid through a big door, going up some stairs.

Soon, the two arrived at the second floor. The room's aura was totally different, much more reserved. Fellow cultivators sat together and chatted in spaced tables. Also, the barmaids up there were at another level when compared to the mortal floor.

As they arrived, Merlin felt lots of invading stares, as if everyone wanted to see through him.

However, this time, he did not restrain himself, releasing his aura! Although he was only in the seventh stage of the Body Refinement Realm, among this land's folk, it was quite good already. Immediately, all curious gazes held back, avoiding Merlin purposely aroused aura.

But then, a stare continued to focus on him, coming from a table at the corner. At it, three middle-aged men were seated observing Merlin. The man in the middle had an excited expression. "This old man seems interesting!"

"Hey, old friend! Why don't you join us to chat?"

Looking seriously at the middle-aged man, Merlin finally backed down his aura, instantaneous making the air around him lighter.

"Certainly!" Merlin responded with a neutral smile.