The First Customer

I sat on a round mahogany stool and yawned, Tou Ya Mama walked back and forth thinking about what my plans were for tonight.

"When you go out, all you need to do is sit in the center of the grand court, and then let out a smile, you don't need to listen to what other people say, I will arrange it all for you."

I took a bite out of some dried fish, and nodded my head to show that I understood.

"When I send for the little maid servant to accompany you back, you just need to obediently stand up, slowly walk back and turn your head to let out a small laugh."

"Ok." I merrily promised her.

"The name Miao Miao makes you sound like a country bum, you should change it to a new one," Tou Ya Mama thought for a moment, "Let's call you Yao Yao then."

She can call me whatever she wants, this thieving cat has already heard enough nicknames, so what can the name Yao Yao do? Therefore, I cleverly nodded my head.

"Alright then," Tou Ya Mama patted my head and said, "Good job, I won't mistreat you."

Thus I summed up the work I had to do: Go out, sit down, smile, stand up, and then leave.

Today, listening to what the maid servants had said, the ladies here all sleep late and wake up at noon, and at night they work. They also lie on their beds and have other people work for them, so it is actually easy to earn money in the Mortal Realm? If I had known earlier, then why would I needed to worry?

At night, Qi Feng Lou was bustling, many ladies wearing red and green started pouring into the main hall, and gradually, many men also started coming in. They seemed to be hugging each other affectionately, and intimately touching and feeling each other. The entire room was filled up. With the melodious sound of the qin, the very thinly dressed but beautiful ladies started dancing on the stage, the tables were also filled with all kinds of delicacies, this place was much more lively than Xuan Qing Palace.

I secretly peeked out from the door and watched enthusiastically, rubbed the saliva from my mouth, and restrained myself from going out and begging for food. The maid servant beside me hastily pulled me back and said, "It's almost your turn to go out."

When the room had become quiet, Tou Ya Mama entered into the hall like a lively butterfly, and greeted each and every man who was there. Her face had a smile that was like the spring breeze of March. She raised her handkerchief to them and laughed, "Today at Qi Feng Lou we have a new beauty, just wondering if everyone would like to have a peek?"

A finely dressed fat man exclaimed, "Don't us men here come for selecting ladies? If you have a beauty, then call her out quickly, and if she's not a beauty, then I will tear apart your Qi Feng Lou's reputation!"

These words won and garnered laughter from all around, there was one that grasped a fan and was finely dressed, he had just been reciting poetry with the ladies and then said to the man while shaking his head, "Vulgar, vulgar, vulgar."

Tou Ya Mama was not angry, she just stood on the stage and waited for the laughter to be finished, and then gave me a wink to signal me to come out.

This is the first time I will be receiving a customer, so my heart skipped a beat, fearing that I would make a mistake somewhere. Facing so many strangers, I felt a little bit shy, and for the first time, I honestly listened obediently and elegantly moved towards Tou Ya Mama.

Moments later, the sound of wine cups could be heard falling onto the ground, breaking into pieces. The music suddenly stopped and the men's chitter and chatter stopped as well. The air was completely still, only rapid breathing could be heard within the hall, and some of the ladies ruthlessly hit the men that were whispering.

Why do they not speak? Did Miao Miao do something wrong again? I did not dare sit down, I yanked at Tou Ya Mama's clothing from fear, and called her a few times, giving her a grimacing look hoping that she would reply.

Tou Ya Mama quietly turned around and whispered to me, "Smile, quickly smile to them."

I recalled what I needed to do, thus I stiffly raised my head, and smiled to everyone beneath the stage while waving.

With the sound of inhaling breaths, all eyes focused on me, causing this cat to feel even more uneasy. So I took a few steps back and hid behind Tou Ya Mama, but I did not expect her to suddenly move out of the way, revealing me to everyone, she then said with a smile, "This is our newly arrived Miss Yao Yao, tomorrow will be the official day she will select a customer, I hope you guys will take note of her."

"I will give 1200!" Someone immediately shouted.

"2200!" The fat man roared.

"4200!" A skinny little old man cried.

Suddenly, the scene was no longer peaceful and had turned into a bubbling affair, seeing this, I gradually became less nervous, only staring at everyone with a smile, and from time to time waving.

The price became higher and higher, they kept trying to use the gold and silver to buy the something first night, silver is not even money, so what use would it be? In the past, the white crow Yin Zi buried a whole bunch under the cave, who knows if its gone moldy yet…..

The time slowly passed, the little maid servant finally blew the candle light, and the price no longer exceeded past 32000. The person who offered this price was that finely dressed fat man, he proudly walked over and told me, "Miss Yao Yao do not be afraid, I will be very gentle."

"Good!" Gentle is very nice, so I happily gave him a brilliant smile, turning his face into a flood of redness. He wanted to reach his arms forward to embrace me.

"Wait a moment." A muscular armed stopped the fat man's arms, gradually grabbing tighter, and then suddenly threw him onto the ground, causing him to scream in pain.

I raised my head up to see who it was, the person who grabbed the fat man's arm seemed somewhat familiar, but I can not seem to remember where I have seen him before. He had a head full of long black hair flowing down his backside, his face was ordinary, but his body was oozing with an extraordinary aura, he had a pair of elongated eyes staring amused at me. They were extremely sharp and seemed to contain a lot of anger. I had a feeling that this person could not wait to swallow me alive.

"Ah~" He gently let out a laugh, he reached his hands out to touch my long hair that was slowly falling, and then turned to Tou Ya Mama to say, "I want this woman, I want her tonight."

"Madness! You hungry ghost!" That fat man climbed up from the ground and angrily shouted, "I bid 32000, why do you think you can steal from me?"

The man instantly grabbed his neck, hung him up in the air, his movements were fast and he seemed to excel in kungfu, so I praised him.

The fat man screamed like a dying pig, his face began to turn a pained red, and he seemed to be in shortness of breath. Tou Ya Mama seeing that the situation was not good, hurriedly stepped forward and called out to the man, "Mister, why bother? I beg you to put him down and we can discuss."

"102000 Silver and 10 shining pearls," The suddenly opened his mouth coldly, "To spare this man's life and buy Miss Yao Yao, is that enough?"

"Enough! Enough!" Tou Ya Mama's smile turned into a wide grin, she quickly pushed me forward, and said, "Tonight Miss Yao Yao will be yours."

What is this…..I touched my head and completely did not understand what had happened.

That fatty was thrown by the man, and then he crawled back up and was stared at by the man. He stared at me and then left in hurry with his friends carrying him.

Tou Ya Mama hastily greeted the noisy guests as well as sending a person to prepare a room. She held my hands and dragged me away to wash, then took out all of Hua Rong's clothing and jewelry boxes, and picked a dressed made with transparent material and a low chest line. My body was desperately hung with jewelry causing me to be in discomfort.

Hua Rong was frowning her eyebrows, she kept staring at me and sighing, her face was full of sympathy.

I joyfully and restlessly paced back and forth in the room, wondering what kind of game is receiving a customer, is it fun~?"