Shifu Can Cook?

When I turned around, Bi Qingshen Jun's face was already in front of me. His eyes were like jade, reflecting my shadow within them.

I licked my own lips with my tongue and thought back to the feeling just now. That sensation felt very good, like you can't get enough of it, so I immediately pulled him closer to me, stared at his lips, and after a moment of hesitation, I gently branded my lips onto his.

Bi Qingshen Jun did not refuse and had allowed me to continue licking his lips. The force he used to grasp onto me also grew larger and larger, as if he wanted to bring me into his embrace.

"Meow woo~" I cried out in pain and immediately, he released the strength from his hands, but refused to let me leave his lips.

With his tongue extended and my teeth being gently forced open, I was instantly reminded of delicious sea urchins which had led me to have the impulse to want to bite down.

As I was about to bite down, he seemed to see through my intentions, and left a lingering smile and said, "You're not allowed to bite."

I lowered my ears to show that I repented for my actions.

"Let's go back." He said.

I nodded my head, and then turned around and tightly hugged Bi Qingshen Jun to leave for Xuan Qing Palace together. When Xiaolin saw us return, his expression didn't show any signs of surprise, and just blandly ordered the servants to prepare dinner, and that to add more to Shen Jun's portion because he hadn't eaten since the day before.

Hearing that he hadn't eaten since the day before, I suddenly grew anxious, and decided that I should let Shifu eat his fill first and that my portion could come later.

"Don't worry about it, let Miao Miao eat first," Bi Qingshen Jun didn't appear to worry too much, and threw an apple over to me to let me cut. I grabbed a knife and starting cutting, and as I was doing that, I told him all about the interesting things in the human realm. Granny Song, Tou Ya Mama, Hua Rong, Yun Ou, Ningxin, Diu Diu, Douzi, Jian Nan, Luo Luo, and even the Master Shi that had wanted to buy me for 152 silvers and Mouse Jing.

I went on and on, about how amazing our performances were and how we earned money, becoming less and less ashamed of myself. I also told him how we used our own hard-earned money to buy a meal and how delicious it was.

When the meals had arrived, Bi Qingshen Jun ate while nodding his head. And said that since I've understood many more principles, he agreed to give me a reward.

What should I get? I thought and thought. And finally coming to a conclusion, I stood up, rubbed him a couple of times, and said, "Miao Miao wants to eat fish cooked by Shifu."

"Unlikely. Choose something else." Bi Qingshen Jun's eyebrow's twitched as he quickly rejected my offer.

I felt a some grievance, and then handed over the apple I had cut and said, "Miao Miao has already learned to cut apples for Shifu."

Bi Qingshen Jun took the apple and after a moment of silence, he fiercely bit into the apple, stood up, and walked towards the kitchen.

I joyfully followed him with my tail raised up high, but was instantly tossed out of the kitchen doors. He said that I wasn't allowed to go in and create a disturbance before he was finished cooking.

Jin Wen and Wawa seeing me return, both held onto my ears and gave me a harsh scolding. Complaining about how I made them wait outside the school gates for the entire day and that it was simply unforgivable.

After having been harshly scolded, I obediently apologized to indicate that in the future, this kind of thing would not happen again…..

From the kitchen, came strange noises and thick black clouds of smoke. And when I told everyone that Bi Qingshen Jun was cooking in there, everyone expressed curiosity and interest…..even the cold and quiet Xiaolin just coughed and said not to take precedence.

Thus we secretly ran to the kitchen to observe. Turning a little narrow passage into a crowded space, we stared to the inside of the kitchen together.

Bi Qingshen Jun had put on an elegant white apron, and held onto the vegetable knife like a mighty sword. He stared at the carp fish desperately flopping for its life with murderous eyes, his face full of seriousness and killing intent.

All of a sudden, his eyes narrowed, and the knife moved. Like whirlwind and lightning, the carp fish was cleanly split in half, making the scene at the present to appear as if a horrific blood splattered murder had just occurred.

Jin Wen's expression turned from white to green to black. She immediately stood up and ran away. Wawa was scared into shaking and trembling from this bloody scene, and Xiaolin had managed to maintain his cool. I was the only one filled with excitement.

Bi Qingshen Jun extended his slender fingers to pick up the fish, and after judging if it was still alive or not, he tossed it aside in satisfaction. He also filled the furnace with firewood and used magic to sustain it.

Xiaolin sighed, and said in an extremely soft voice, "The furnace is too full….."

I looked at him, puzzled, and then went back to continue staring at Shifu cooking. I was sure he was omnipotent, and that anything that was made b him would definitely be very delicious!

To my surprise, the furnace kept going against him and repeatedly extinguished the fire. After trying a few more times, Bi Qingshen Jun angrily picked up the pot, filled it with water, and then lit a fire with his hands to begin roasting.

The water began to boil as he was staring at the kitchen spices and sauce in confusion. Occasionally touching things here and there, he didn't seem too sure what he should put in.

In the end, he finally made up his mind…..and very cleverly put all of the spices and sauces all into the pot, turning the it into a yellowy brown soup. A burst of strange aroma also emitted from inside, which gave me a desire to go rushing inside.

I didn't know for how long he cooked, but Bi Qingshen Jun finally doused the fire, lowered his head to smell the pot, nodded, and the called out, "All of you come out!"

Being discovered, we could only obediently come out and line up before him.

Bi Qingshen Jun brought out a small bowl, spooned out the fish soup, and then said with a deadpanned expression, "This is my first time cooking, so I don't know how it will taste. I have always been vegetarian, thus I can not taste this, so would you guys like to help me taste it?"

Xiaolin immediately took several big paces forward. We were all touched by his sacrifice and dedication, but instead he said, "Master Shen Jun, I've just grated the ink slab, so it's inconvenient to touch meat and foods. Also, Xuan Qing Palace has been busy recently, and I must return to deal with it."

Bi Qingshen Jun nodded his head.

Wawa then stepped forward and said, "I am a snow lotus sprite, and normally, I only eat dew water and nectar, this kind of food, even if you make me eat it…..I won't know if it is bad or good, so you should let the others try it."

Bi Qingshen Jun nodded his head and also allowed her to leave. The Jin Wen that had just vomited said in distress, "Master Shen Jun, if it was other food, I would be able to help you without hesitation, but this is fish soup…..I am also a fish… see….."

"Go, go." Bi Qingshen Jun waved his hands, and Jin Wen quickly left.

Meow woo~ the only one left is me?

Staring at the strange colour in the pot and smelling the unknown scent of the liquid within it, I began to regret my suggestion. But looking at Bi Qingshen Jun's hopeful expression, even if I was in a life or death situation, I would not be able to refuse.

The phrase that Teacher Huang told us in class, heavens' sins can be pardoned, but sins of the self must be dealt with death, this phrase, I have finally understood thoroughly what it meant.

"If you don't want to eat, I throw it away." Bi Qingshen Jun's voice sounded a bit disappointed, which had caused me to feel even more guilty, thus I grabbed the pot to show him that no matter what, I would give it a taste.

Thanks to my poison resistance and strong stomach, I did not have diarrhea or something…..just that my tongue was numb for three whole days.

Bi Qingshen Jun felt a bit of remorse and said that he would remake and take on the challenge of cooking once again…..

I immediately told him that, starting today, I wouldn't eat fish and only eat apples, and from now on revert to a vegetarian cat…..