Wedding Night

"Okay! Let's get started!" I bravely nodded.

Xiang Qing untied my outer wedding robe and removed it and took off his groom's robe too and then out down the curtains of the bed and pushed me down on it and kissed my forehead.

"Ah..." I whispered

" I won't give you a chance to stop today." Xiang Qing said determinedly.

I sorrowfully said: "You haven't helped removed the hair bun yet...there are a lot of hairpins on my head..."

Xiang Qing raised us up and hurriedly removed all the stuff on my head, and rubbed my head and touched my ears, checking if there was any injury, after confirming there was none, he pushed me down again.

Our clothes gradually came off as Xiang Qing kissed me and I was feeling very hot then and I started to feel my primitive instincts rearing up and I was itching to grab him and bite him and not let go.

Can't bite... Can't bite people, I tried to remind myself. I held onto the headboard tightly and did not dare to relax my grip, I tightly shut my eyes as I tried to go against my instincts and restrain myself.

Xiang Qing's actions were getting more and more intense and is touching and kissing me, covering me with red hickeys. Finally, he provokingly covered a cherry with his mouth and was licking it with the tip of his tongue.

This is not the same as Xiao Mao...Why does it feel like this today? It feels like I am struck by lighting, it almost made me break the headboard.

"Miao Miao relax." Seeing me so nervous, Xiang Qing gently comforted me.

It's okay...Calm down, calm down. I tried hard to calm myself and restrain my instincts and became stiff. I don't what to do, I tried hard to think about how I did it the first time...

But at that time I really failed...I kept struggling and Bi Qingshen Jun kept attacking, he maliciously held me down on the bed, from behind...attacked with the terrible turtle. I was injured, I also bled, it hurt and cried out pitifully. He said words to comfort me, telling me it was alright but he still did not stop his actions, it took over half an hour and torture was over, it made me quite depressed.

Will this time also be miserable? I was fearful from my trauma, my legs quietly tightened and my teeth also began to shake a bit, but I did not struggle to escape.

But I felt an inexplicable fire rising in my stomach. I want Xiang Qing to kiss and touch me, and it seems this is the only way, the only way it can be extinguished.

Every inch of my body was licked. The air around us was hot, it was so hot that my forehead was sweating. Xiang Qing also seems to be very hot, he was sweating more than me, his whole body seemed to be sweating, his movements slowed down until he went stiff.

"Xiang Qing... I am not afraid." I think he seems very nervous so I reassured him.

Xiang Qing nodded and wiped the sweat from my forehead and whispered, "I love you."

Hearing this sentence, I don't know why but I felt that I wanted to cry. Xiang Qing seeing this became anxious, worried that he had upset me and tried to comfort me.

A tear finally fell on the pillow, I removed my hands from the headboard and put my hands on his shoulders then hugged him tightly in arms, with my mouth close to ear, I repeatedly let out the words that I have been keeping in my heart for a long time, unable to tell him before, "I love you, I love you, I love you..."

I love you, like a keyword, evoked such deep memories and feelings, sometimes it can be something so simple.

Xiang Qing was stunned for a long time and then looked at my face and extended an index finger to stop my lips and said, "Yes, I love you."

"I've been wanting to speak these has been 500 years." Tears blurred my vision of him, I was a little shy and so turned away.

Xiang Qing reached out and hugged me close to his chest, as if he wanted to take me into his heart, "You have said the words and I have heard it."

"No I didn't say it, before I didn't know what it was, I didn't know that I was in love with you. I only realized after you were gone." I sobbed and buried my head in his chest.

"Don't say that, I could hear and see it. " Xiang Qing sorrowful looked at my face, "My soul heard you crying from the dark underground."

"Did you remember the oast?" I opened my eyes wide.

"Yes, I remembered it, I remembered my death at the Dragon Valley. I heard you crying and saw you in tears and knew that you loved me since 500 years ago." Xiang Qing nodded his head and his eyes glimmered, "I came back, I really came back."

You came back. My tears came flooding down, I couldn't help it, I was overjoyed and clung to him.

Xiang Qing was thrown into confusion and kept trying to comfort me saying, "Miao Miao don't cry."

I was so happy and kept crying! Everything is good. Miao Miao did not lose anything. The person I love the most is holding me again and this time there is no damn Yao Yang and no damn battle. There is no damn work and no damn heavenly orders.

He can finally belong to me completely, just staying with me and accompanying me.

"In a few days, I will take you to play to fulfill the promise from before." Seeing me still in tears, Xiang Qing kept comforting me and continued, "We will climb Mount Tai to see the sunrise, slowly rise above the sea of clouds. We will go to Tulufan to drink goat's milk and eat raisins. We'll go see the river in Lijiang, the water there is so clear that you can see the bottom and the fish swimming, we'll go to Hua mountain and climb its most dangerous peak. We can also sail the seas to go to all kinds of different strange places..."

Listening to him, I was enthralled and couldn't help but ask, "Have you been to these places?"

"I've been to some, others I've heard about from others. But I really want to travel around the world to the beauty of this world," Xiang Qing gently smiled at me, "Would you like to go with me?"

" I'm willing to go wherever you go..."

"No, I don't want you to just be willing to, I want to fulfill your desires, tell me what..." Xiang Qing interrupted me again

"My desires have already been fulfilled." I hugged his neck and kissed him, "We will go around and play together in the future. You promised me, you can't get busy with work and make excuses"

"I...used to make excuses?"

"Of course! You always said that work is too busy... and there were often sudden incidents."

"I won't be in the future."

"Would you swear?"

"I swear."

"Should I call you Shifu or Xiang Qing?"

"Just call me Xiang Qing, since Bi Qingshen Jun has completely disappeared from the heavens, the bitter and tiring work can be left to Hai Yang, even if I go back, I don't want to do it either.

"Great! Don't work for that Jade Emperor who likes to punish people for nothing. You can accompany me every day and we can live in this world."

"It's good I can accompany you every day."

After we had talked about this, my body relaxed and did not even pay attention when Xiang Qing entered my body.

I completely forgot to resist and didn't want to resist. This time, I didn't feel any stabbing pain and didn't bleed, I felt numb and tingling with strangely pleasurable sensations.

I wrapped around him and with the feeling of skin rubbing each other, I couldn't but make "meow" calls, causing Xiang Qing to get even more excited until he reached the peak.

After more than half an hour of lingering, I thought and licked my lips that now this turtle is not as terrible as I imagined. Xiang Qing gently caressed my face and deeply kissed me, after a long time, he reluctantly got up and put on some clothes. I also put on my clothes and looked at him, he wasn't looking at me but was looking at the red candle on the table and then said, "You should be very tired, you should sleep early, have to wake up early tomorrow to go greet your mother-in-law. These things are very troublesome, so you should get enough rest."

I went over to him and rubbed on him a few times and asked, "What about you?"

Xiang Qing looked at the red candles and seriously said, "I can't sleep, I have to watch the red candles."

"Why?" I don't understand.

"They say that the wedding's dragon and phoenix candles must be burned to the bottom in the nuptial chamber so that the couple can live happy and blessed."

Meow...with you saying this, how can I fall asleep? It's important to watch the red candles.

***(This was a very endearing chapter, 😭 *tears of joy* it feels like our cat has grown up 😭🤧...)**