Like an Old Friend

The ring was too excessive to wear about. So I used a silver chain to string it up and hung it around my neck and hid it under my clothes so that a bad person would not see it.

The days I spent with Ao Yun were extravagant and envious. All the dreams and wants of girls became my reality. In the morning, we went to Japan to Hokkaido crabs. In the afternoon went to Hong Kong to taste delicious Cantonese cuisine. As long as I glance at a doll, artwork or even a diamond, someone will deliver it to me the next day. But the most precious items, I still did not have the nerve to accept them.

A sparrow has flown off the branch and transformed into a phoenix, but at its core, it is still a sparrow.

Ao Yun kept insisting that I move out of my apartment and move to a house he had near the school. I kept refusing because I always felt that I was expecting something.

So I explained to Ao Yun that I have been living here since I started university and that I have been enjoying my life here with my classmates and cannot bear to go through the difficulties of readjusting. So, I wish to move after graduation, moreover I am already accustomed to living here, plus there's also Xiao Mao. Ao Yun had no choice but to accept it.

I don't understand why Ao Yun is so jealous of other men, but when it comes to Xiao Mao he does not even eat even a tiny bit of vinegar, even though he is so close to me. Even if Xiao Mao is sleeping on my bed, he doesn't get annoyed and treats him well, like as if he is a younger brother or son.

***(Eat vinegar = jealousy)***

Is this man's mind broad or narrow? I curiously pondered.

The Miao Miao pet hospital across the street seems to have a good business rating. People frequently go in with cats and dogs to go see the doctor. The strange thing is the dogs seems to be very afraid of something, so sometimes in the middle of the night, the barking of dorks can be heard disturbing people. What is even stranger is that when I went shopping in the city, I heard two high school girls talking, one of them was complaining that she had taken her hamster to the hospital and as soon as it saw the doctor it instantly started foaming from the mouth and could not be saved. It is definitely that the doctor did have the skills to cure the hamster, that is what it sounds like to me.

***(LOL gave the poor hamster a heart attack, how could you deliver him to a snake?)***

I have always loved cats, it's just my precious darling kitty is at home accompanying my parents, so there is no need for me to go to the pet hospital here. But the summer's clear sky is uncertain. However, when I went to buy ice cream, on my way back it suddenly started to rain heavily, the raindrops were as big as soybeans. So, I took shelter at the door of Miao Miao pet hospital, which was only 200 meters away from my house and did not rush back, without a better option, I decided to kill time and wait for the rain to reduce before returning home.

There was a strong smell of disinfectant coming from the hospital. There were a few kids who seemed to be junior high school students who brought two very cute little tabby kittens to see the doctor. One of them was a three-colored one and the other was a yellow tabby, they seemed to only about a month old. The 3 colored one's eyes were stuck together with pus and could not open, it will probably end up blind. And the yellow one was shivering as if it was dying. They were very pitiful and I was somewhat worried for them.

I stood at the door and watched them enter. I could not help but perk up my ears to listen in on the kittens' condition. After a little while, I heard a cool but gentle voice with a very stable and patient tone, explain to kids, "This cat's eyes have no problem, only has some inflammation, just need to wash it with medicine and clean it. This 3 colored cat's spirit is very strong, you can take it home today, but for the yellow one, it will be better for him to take some medicine and stay in the hospital for treatment."

One of them a junior high school girl awkwardly explained, "Handsome doctor, we picked up these cats from under a bridge. It was probably abandoned, we saw they were dying and really couldn't bear to leave them, so we brought them here...but we don't have much money to pay for hospitalization right now...can you help us with some discounts..."

The boy also spoke up and they both spoke up together pleading. They turned over their pockets but could only come up with a small amount of money, which all together, would not even be enough for the cost of the injections.

The doctor let them go on for a while and then continued in the same voice and nicely said, "Since they are stray cats. The treatment cost will be waived. Leave the cat, after 3 days, come pick it up."

The girl repeatedly thanked him and then said, "Or when I come back, I can ask my mom for the money and give it to the doctor. She also likes small animals. It's definitely going to be approved."

"No need." The doctor continued to insist, "This 3 colored cat is still small, when you take it back, you have to feed it soft food."

The girl immediately guaranteed, "No problem. I also have a black cat at home, I feed it chicken and liver every day. My mother is even better at it than me."

There was a bit of laughter after she said that. After a while, the junior high school students came out with the little cat that was okay and discussed what to name them. The girl said to call the 3 colored one Hua Mao and the yellow cat, Xiao Fen. The boy insisted that the 3 colored cat should be called Sparta, and the yellow one Cao Ni Ma. The two of them were happily arguing as they went along.

I peeked inside and saw that the cat was probably eating something. The cat seemed to be much better. My heart couldn't help but be interested in seeing the doctor who had such a gentle and caring voice. So I crept up to the door and looked at him through the glass of the door.

The doctor was quite tall, probably about 180 centimeters or more. Although he was wearing a loose white coat, I could still see that his figure was excellent. The midday light behind me, passed through the glass cast on his figure, showing his finger movements as a long shadow on the wall. The smell of the medicinal lotion and disinfectant drifted from his fingertips and spread through to my airspace.

The mixture of the smell made me feel like sneezing. This feeling made me feel a sense of deja vu. It seemed like many years ago, in a dream, I had once heavily sneezed on that person, and just like he is doing now for the kitten, he gently pat me on the head and rubbed it?

The doctor's movements were very skillful, he swiftly and mechanically did everything like a soldier. I don't know why but I felt that his movements were like the light that was flowing in through the windows. Everything in my eyes slowed down, and his finger movements seemed to be slowly mapping out an image in my heart. I looked at his back and my heart suddenly began to jump.

---Turn around, let me see your face.

At that moment all my thoughts were focused on that image in my sight. A voice slowly rose from the bottom of my heart and drifted through my chaotic mind. I don't why I just had this feeling looking at his back and hoping that he would turn around and show his face the next moment.

----who are you? Why are you here?

---How did your figure miss my line of sight?

---You...Are you doing well?

It was as if an invisible hand had pierced through my heart, my guts were not strong and my heart was tightly held, so I could only tremble and fixate on the movements of the man in front of me. I tried to calm down my breathing and waited for the doctor, as he put the kitten in a cage, washed his hands and then slowly turned around.

Who am I? Who are you?

Are these important?

In that chaotic state, the moment I saw the doctor's face, the chaos immediately stopped and the entire world seemed to be silent and had departed leaving only me and the complete figure in front of me, even if I don't know who he is, even if I don't know where he came from.

All my blood ran to my face and my cheeks reddened and my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

Why? Why is that? My brain isn't functioning, just foolishly looking at him, wanting to keep looking at him until the world ends, forever.

Where have I seen him before? I must have met him somewhere! This feeling of familiarity is as if he is like my own body and cannot be separated.

Yes, I remember. His is very similar to Ao Yun's, not as exquisite and delicate as Ao Yun's, but still very handsome and moved my heart more and more like I was infatuated.

What exactly is going on here? What is this feeling? The excitement bubbled up to my throat and I wanted to scream but managed to suppress it. After a long time, I finally with great difficulty condensed a thousand words into a simple, "Hello..."

"Ah...hello." The doctor's expression and mine were very similar, he was no longer calm and was just staring at me, even the syringe in his hand had fallen to the ground. I don't know why but his voice had lost its elegance and calmness, instead, it had become tense and shaky.

I unconsciously pushed the half-open door open and gently walked in and slowly approached him, "I am Lin Xiao Miao...What about you?"

"My name is Bi Qing." He followed my pace and gently walked up to me and slowly stretched out his hand, it seemed as if he wanted to touch my face, but felt it was inappropriate and so withdrew, "Where have I met you before?"

"Where have I met you before?"I also followed after him and asked, but I did not remove my line of sight from him.

After a long time, both of us finally woke up from our reverie and felt embarrassed about our rudeness. He was somewhat blushing and my face felt very hot, so I hurriedly moved my line of sight and looked at a simple photo framed on the table. It was the photo of a beautiful three colored cat in Bi Qing's arms. Bi Qing was looking at the three colored cat and smiling very softly, and the three colored cat was lazily lying in his arms depending on him with the satisfaction that the whole world was beside it.

The whole world by its side is at my side.

My throat became very dry. I couldn't help but pick up the picture frame and looked at it in detail. On the photo, there were two lines of text boldly written in red at the bottom.

I gently read it, "I hope to live at the same time and grow old together."

I turned my head and saw that Bi Qing was still foolishly staring at me. And that's when my tears fell, with no warning and with no reason, rolled down cheeks and fell to my shirt, I was moved and felt joy and sadness...

He softly said, "This first time meeting seems like an old friend's return."

But we this first meeting came too late and so it's a bit...the diamond ring hanging around my neck seemed to be a raging fire searing through my chest.

MiraiSaesang's Notes: There we are...we've come full circle...You know, last chapter I was feeling a little bit of something for Ao Yun, after all, he waited a 1,000 years for her...but NO WAY! With that line on the picture (it was also the last thought Miao Miao had as well 😭), he has completely been swept down the waterfall with this chapter...

Bi Qing x MiaoMiao for life!!!