
In the big room at OK karaoke bar, there was a small colored disco ball hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room, illuminating the dark room and projecting light onto each person. We could at once see the monsters from the left, a pink haired girl wearing a short dress and purple-eyed girl wearing a suspenders dress, they both looked very cute that were chattering on about something.

There were two cool looking men sitting next to them, one had a helpless and impatient expression on his face, while the other seemed docile and didn't seem to have anything to say. Standing in the middle was Bull devil holding a microphone and singing, "Where is the road?", while Lou Sha was holding a laptop absorbed in watching a film. Next to them was a gorgeous young woman wearing a red cheongsam dress, then a man wearing an ancient robe with a belt, his style of dressing was very casual flipping through the song selection book, then a girl with white hair trembling, seemingly trying not to stand out at all, and a young man next to her and Yin Zi sitting in the corner not saying anything.

When I stepped through the door, everyone stopped talking and in a split second all the girls fluttered to me and pulled my arms affectionately and like sparrows spent a long time talking in a jumble together. It was quite a while later till I figured out their names: Jin Wen, Molin, Shao Zhong, Butterfly Xiao Zi, Wawa, Xiao Tian, Jian Nan, Lolo. They said they all came to see me.

Xiao Zi grabbed my left arm and depressingly said, "Miao Miao jiejie, how could you have been so foolish then? Isn't it very great to be a monster? Instead, now you have to experience being born, growing old, getting sick and dying, it's a big loss."

Shao Zhong on the other side, smiled slyly, "After becoming a human, you've become ugly, it is indeed a great loss."

Xiao Zi immediately gave him a kick, "You! Nothing good comes from a dog's mouth, Get lost!"

Wawa pulling on my right arm, and said to Xiao Zi unhappily, "Why are you bringing dogs into this, are you looking down on my family's Xiao Tian?"

Xiao TIan hurriedly helped to smooth things over, "She doesn't mean that."

Jin Wen smiled and walked over with her hair flowing behind her, her whole body exuding the feeling of grace, "Today is a big day to celebrate, we all have to sing a song each, I just recently sang, so Yin Zi go."

The expression on Yin Zi's face was very gloomy, "I don't want to sing."

Molin and Shao Zhong ran over to him and pulled him to the front of TV screen and happily put the mic in his hand, "This song is definitely suitable for you to sing."

Then the music began and the lyrics appeared on the screen and Yin Zi with the cheering of the crowd, reluctantly opened his mouth to sing, "Sometimes I feel that I am little bird who wants to fly, but how come I cannot fly high, Perhaps one day, I will fly to the top branch and become the hunter's target..."

Everyone laughed, only Yin Zi's face was dark, he put the microphone down and rapidly snatched the song book and frantically flipped through it and gave Jin Wen "I am a fish". Xiao Tian, "Let me be your dog". Then the one who laughed the most, Shao Zhong got, "Heavy love, light friend." Everyone knew that he was mocking Shao Zhong for being a henpecked husband afraid of his wide, but he couldn't help but laugh and stand up. Xiao Zi was blushing.

I originally thought that time, they would all tell me something about the past, but no one has mentioned anything, just watching and having fun. Xiao Mao also pulled me to sing, "Only mama is good in the world." and sang it so tenderly that I almost had to hold the wall to support myself.

Lou Sha has been watching "Journey to the West", with Bull devil looked and said, "That fox is so beautiful here. and my family's precious son would never run around everywhere with his chest and stomach showing. This is all nonsense."

Bull devil very sincerely said, "I think Jiao Jiao is still more beautiful than this fox." Then he saw Lou Sha glaring at him and immediately changed his tone, "None of these people are half as good as my wife."

After over an hour, Yin Zi has not been in a good mood the entire time and so he just found an excuse to leave. Bull devil has had a lot of beer, while drinks complaining that the white drink is not good at all, it is just bitter juice and then doggedly blocked a waitress in, demanding to buy Five Grain liquor, the waitress was so anxious that she started crying and so he was forced to simply let her go.

Everyone was pouring beer to drink for me to drink, I have a terribly low alcohol tolerance. Lou Sha finally stopped them from urging me to drink. Xiao Mao on the other hand, was letting loose and drinking a lot. Finally, he said his stomach was uncomfortable and so went to the toilet to throw up for a while.

When Xiao Mao left, the atmosphere in the whole room suddenly changed, the joking and drunken state of everyone seemed to instantly disappear. I was very scared when they looked at me so seriously and couldn't help but ask, "What is it?"

"Keep it down." Jian Nan softly said and then smiled and said to everyone, "Continue to sing, make the atmosphere more lively." After that, everyone started to scream and be noisy, the scene was very messy. Then four people, Lou Sha, Xiao Zi, Molin, and Jin Wen came to my side and pretended to be playing around drunk and then quietly whispered to me, "There may be eavesdropping spells around us and we don't know whether that guy is using some other method to monitor things, and so we can only use this kind of method to talk, you have to listen carefully."

I saw that they were so serious all of sudden, I was nervous and nodded.

Xiao Zi pretending to be drunk leaned on my shoulder and sprinkled some kind of pollen, Molin made some motions and around us, thin silver threads appeared separating us from everything else in the surroundings.

"The spell has been completed. I made some illusion of fake facades with Xiao Zi." Molin explained, "Probably just about twenty minutes, if it's longer he will be suspicious and quickly figure it out."

Lou Sha angrily said, "Ao Yun, that guy all his words are fake! Don't believe even one word!"

"What exactly is going on?" I was astonished.

Xiao Zi quickly said, "You should have seen a man named Bi Qing, right? Do you feel that you like him or Ao Yun?"

I was somewhat dismayed, "I have already agreed to Ao Yun's proposal."

"He deliberately compeled you settle it early." Xiao Zi angrily raged on, "He wants to use this method to suppress and checkmate Lord Shen Jun, shameless! Also using despicable tactics to force us not to tell you the truth and to wait until the wood has been carved into a boat and it's too late, in his dreams! Could it be that Ao Yun thinks that he's the only one who can use a trick and others can't?"

"What Lord Shen Jun?" I was even more confused.

"Let her make her judgment on her own, don't comment anymore." Milin stopped the riled up Xiao Zi and said, "What did Ao Yun tell you about your previous life as a cat demon?"

I looked around my surrounding the faces permeating with resentment or anger and hurriedly told them about everything he told me that evening, Xiao Zi listened and became even angrier, "What rubbish! A bunch of nonsense! Obviously, it was Bi Qing Shen Jun who took you back and lived in love happily together in life and death. He casually turned everything upside down and that person transformed to him."

I listened to them cursing him for a long time and somewhat understood, "You all mean that my lover in the past life was Bi Qing and not Ao Yun."