Transformed Friendship

"What a good coincidence." Ao Yun greeted me and I turned to a different direction, I didn't want to see his face again.

Ao Yun suddenly laughed and came over and stopped me, "Too bad, I came to find you."

His smile was very normal and bright, but in my eyes, it was full of bad intentions enough to turn me into a hedgehog ready to strike.

"Don't be like this." Ao Yun helplessly said and tried to reach out to touch my caress my head, but I firmly shook his hand off with my hand. He grabbed my wrist and refused to let go.

"It's you who shouldn't be like this right now! It was a waste for me to think of you as a good friend!" I said struggling to free my wrist from Ao Yun's grasp, I saw his expression and he looked his heart was very sad.

"Have you decided to avoid me in the future? Ao Yun gently asked, "So you don't remember the old days at all?"

How could I not remember them...the memories keep crooping up in my heart like meteors crashing down and are very painful.

In the five hundred years while I waiting for Bi Qing Shen Jun to return, he came to Louying mountain almost every week to deliberately do something bad or fun to make me forget the loneliness and forget the sadness.

He accompanied to catch and roast chickens, and also to cook fish and accompanied Xiao Mao various times in his martial arts training and taught him many things about the common sense in living in the world.

**(LOL well that explains Xiao Mao's flirt skills...he taught him well)**

No matter whether I was embarrassing or doing something wrong, he unconditionally shielded me. When I was grieving and at my saddest, he was at my side with a smile. He would also come to accompany me when he was sad and tell me his mind's worries, I listened and although I didn't really understand a lot, I tried to comfort him until his smile reappeared.

When Bi Qing Shen Jun returned as Xiang Qing, Ao Yun never came to see me anymore. he hid in the Dragon Palace and did not show up in the human world. He only came once and that was during the wedding and hurriedly left before Xiang Qing could see him.

Then I asked him why he didn't come. He smiled and said that if it would heartbreaking it would be better not to see it, once some things are explained clearly, there would be no going back.

It was only that then I was too stupid and couldn't understand what he meant.

It actually turned out that this friendship of a thousand years had changed and the friendly feelings of those thousand years are now destroyed.

When everything is brought to light, I am not willing and he is left without a choice.

The sea around the parting sorrow palace was dark blue with countless colorful fish glittering around curiously watching us silently. The seagrass stressed out its delicate leaves, slowly swaying in the water like they are dancing sorrowfully. There was not even the sound of falling leaves...In this beautiful silent as death place. So, the long-lived Dragon Kings who live on the seafloor like to throw lavish raucous banquets with all sorts of things, in this way, they can find some sounds and flavor to break this silence, otherwise wouldn't they go crazy.

"I want you. I've already waited to the limit." Ao Yun held my shoulders and gently said into my ear, he breathed slowly and with endless loneliness in his voice said, "Why are yous till waiting for him like this after so long?"

I didn't know how to answer that question. Maybe it was just fate that my heart would only be for one person, jumping wildly and only beating crazily for one person. "It's not fair..."Ao Yun bit on my earlobe and his warm tongue twirling and licking my earlobe was a bit itchy.

"There's nothing to be fair about it!" I was strongly provoked and pushed him away and wiped my ear and also brought up a memory from the past, "That time when your third uncle's daughter, Yao Yao because of her infatuation with you met her death, and your third uncle escaped prison to look for you to settle the account, what did you say?"

Ao Yun froze.

"You said that her loving you has nothing to do with you and it is like you purposely seduced her or sent her to death, and that they also tried to force you to marry her, right?" I took a few steps back, "Put yourself in my own shoes, now you loving me has nothing to do with me, I also didn't deliberately seduce you! The feelings I have had this last thousand years have been made clear, why bother doing such a thing like this?"

Ao Yun froze in place and was speechless. This is the first time that I have successfully refuted him, but I didn't feel any happiness. I simply took advantage of the situation and hurriedly turned around to try to escape.

I had only run a few steps, he jumped in front of me, blocking my path and smiled, "You are clever and said a lot of very reasonable words. But the Dragon clan always obtain whatever they like. Yao Yao is dead. I don't care about those matters. If you keep insisting on Bi Qing Shen Jun, then I can only brainwash you and it won't matter, those memories will be gone."

I pulled out a coral next to me and threw it at him, "Get lost! You think I will fall in love with you like that?"

"Not at all." Ao Yun simply moved sideways and avoided the coral and laughed, "But it's better to be together with the body, if the heart is unyielding and cannot be obtained."

"I am not the Miao Miao of those days!" Panic swept through my whole body, I shuddered and said, "That beautiful and innocent Miao Miao is gone! I'm just a plain girl, a mortal woman with a bad temper, what use could I be to you?"

"I am also not the Ao Yun of those days." Ao Yun said with a very insistent expression, I couldn't see any traces of lying, "For Bi Qing Shen Jin, no matter what you look like you are still Hua Miao Miao, it is also the same for me."

"I don't see anywhere on me that resembles Hua Miao Miao!" I shouted, discrediting myself.

"There is." Ao Yun's expression was very gentle. He didn't continue to say anything and just took me into his arms and swooped down and kissed me blocking my words and holding me tightly as if he wanted to absorb me.

I even kicked and wanted to push out of his embrace, but I was too weak and after a while lost all strength.

I helplessly watched wide-eyed as Ao Yin carried me and walked into the room with me in his arms and then slowly placed on the bed that was too big and filled with all kinds of plushies.

He seemed to treat me like a princess and gently took off my shoes and pulled the soft blanket to wrap me in the middle and then slowly took off his own clothes to reveal his strong and smooth muscles, with a slim and very perfect figure. This is a dangerous atmosphere.

I tried moving my fingers, but there was no room for me to move. I wanted to explode, I don't know exactly how those characters in the world of comics broke through the limits of the human body.

While I was in the middle of my cranky thoughts, Ao Yun had already taken off his outer robes. He laughed and climbed into the bed and woke my mind up from my thoughts and I fell into horror.

I opened my mouth and wanted to refuse, but could only manage to make a mosquito-like voice, my face quickly became red and I used all my strength to struggle to move but I could only move my wrist by half a centimeter.

In my previous life, I had never been bothered about the innocence of cats. In this life, I suddenly feel that it is a very significant problem, but it is too late. I closed my eyes in despair and cold sweated as Ao Yun's body came closer.

Ao Yun reached out and brought me into his arms, but there was no further action like I imagined. He just hugged me tightly with a face like a big child holding a beloved toy with a smile and quietly entered into dream world with a smile.

On the contrary, this made me feel somewhat on edge and I didn't dare to fall asleep and watched his red eyelashes fluttering like a butterfly's wings and watching his flame-like hair fall around his face.

Gradually, after going two days and one night without sleep, I finally couldn't help but also fall asleep.

MiraiSaesang's Notes: Ao Yun has truly been there for her and done a lot...but it's just not meant to be, her connection with Bi Qing is just too deep...Also, Karma is a bitch, loved how she used his own words to scold him, but it didn't even make him stop and think, instead he justified himself, he really is too far gone...I wish Ao Yun didn't fall down this rabbit hole 😖...

...Upping this tp 5 chapters/week...