Red Core Tiger

With the knowledge Andi gained from her father and the years Atom spent dragging heavy things wounded the two where quickly patch up and on their way home.

Atom insisted he bring back the corpse despite his condition. As the two entered the city he felt it was worth some money, but as the eyes shifted in his direction one by one he was positive: this is worth something.

As the sun fell Atom and Andi, still wounded, found their way back to the Black Earth & Sky Sect.

"My God what happened!" Master Lee cried seeing his granddaughter covered in blood.

"It's ok we just just need some coagulating pills" Andi said trying to assure her grandfather "but we did get surprised by this guy..."

As she pointed towards the bloodied beast Master Lee finally came to notice the situation as a whole, "A Red Cored Tiger!" he nearly crying out again. "Where in the world?"

"I was showing him the sect masters lake and we where attacked..." Embarrassed not by the fact they were taken unaware, Andi rather felt shamed she left the city. The Black Earth and Sky Sect was safe within the city.

The look from her grandfather shook her but he didn't push. Instead he looked to Atom "Are you ok for a moment?" He asked.

"Yes Master please tend to Andi!"

With a smirk Master Lee tossed the boy a pill, "Good child! Take this and wait here for me."

Picking up Andi Master Lee disappeared on the spot as a strong gust of wind blasted past Atom rattling the tiles as it made its way through the courtyard eventually making its way up the buildings and walls.

Atom quickly took the pill and assumed his meditation. As he began moving his Qi the pill took effect.

After a moment he weakened Atom opened his eyes. A stream of blood flowing from the end of his clothes lead to a small pool. As his eyes came into contact the words left his lips like a whisper "b... b... blood... th... t... thinners..."