Alsayf POV
"my name is Falkor, just Falkor" Falkor says with the smell of sadness coming off of him, I comfort him to my best of ability, he seemed surprised by my actions and I chuckled lightly before saying ' if you keep getting surprised by these small actions then you won't be ready for the future ' he smiled wearily at my comment. As i was comforting Falkor the dragonet's were sleeping tightly, the males took turns standing guard, the stronger ones from the flight would stand guard first and the weaker ones would get rest, after awhile Falkor started to get sleepy, and after about 30 minutes he was out cold, I chuckled lightly at that and went to bed.
-In The Morning-
Falkor was the last to wake up but in his defense it was probably around 5AM so we stayed a bit to get food and wake up a bit, after an hour or so we left off again, this system continued for 5 days until we found my old winter grounds, it was a bit cold for humans but perfect for us, the cave I slept in during winter was to small for the colony so I expanded it, Falkor seemed surprised that I made an area just for him, even going in my human form to make it perfect.
I made the cave easy to protect, with a hidden place for the young to be protected, outside Falkor decided to make a garden, most made for high calcium foods in case some females dont get enough calcium, and a few days later some humans in white coats came, Falkor told me that they were called "scientists" whatever that means, when the humans in white- I mean the scientists saw Falkor they looked quite startled and must've thought for the worst because they started to shout at Falkor and I could only make out a few sentences "YOU BOY! Get over here it's not safe!" "SOMEONE CALL THE ARMY!" "IF YOU DO THAT THEN MAKE SURE THAT THERE'S AN AMBULANCE!" And many other that I couldn't make out.
After they had calmed down Falkor said that we were his family, I was shocked and happy, I nuzzled him and purred, I even laid down. The scientists looked shocked and seemed to have many thoughts and ideas run through their head, I was bored of this drama and decided to teach the young some things, so I called them all over and made them stand in a straight line, the scientists were caught off guard and looked shocked at the amount of hatchlings there were, I taught them how to identify edible plants and which ones were high in calcium, they seemed focused and excited that they were being taught things.
The whole colony decided that it was best if we taught the young when they were all hatched, the older ones depending on the age would be taught to hunt first but if they were hatched around the same time then they would be taught at the same time, my young were the oldest but only by three days, the other female's eggs hatched either a few days apart or on the same day.
Anyway after I taught them this I told them that they would be taught throughly on each plant and their properties and after that there would be a quiz on this, if they failed they would be taught separately on this subject again until they pass, if they passed they would be moving onto the next subject, after that they went to play with all the males watching them while the female's went hunting, we were getting rusty so they went but I stayed to teach the young because I was older with more experience so it was agreed upon.
After a bit the females returned with a few animals, it was enough for us all to eat. As it was getting dark Falkor went to his nesting area and slept, after our nests were made and the young were protected, it was Sabj and Nifti's turn to watch over the young so we made our line of defense, Falkors Nesting area was the closest to the hidden room because he was the weakest out of the whole colony, including the young, tomorrow I was going to teach him so he can turn into a dragon after a bit of time, his dragon form is weaker than us so I was thinking of making him swifter than normal dragons and possibly Nifti, after he is faster than Nifti he will be trained to be stronger than normal dragons, the reason why he should be swifter than normal dragons is if your faster than your enemy than you are safe but if your only stronger what's to say your opponent has more stamina, then he'll be in trouble, so I decided to make him hard to kill and after some time he will take care of the young with us.I closed the entrance and made it impossible to to open without waking us up.
-In The Morning-
Today Dhahab would teach the young so I can train Falkor, but there was a bunch of humans in front of our entrance and it seemed like they tried to open it up without us waking up, I almost laughed and they could tell, Falkor on the other end started to chuckle, the humans saw him and had a look of recognition and before they could react I went in front of Falkor with a scowl on his face, "u-uhm miss?" Falkor asked and i told him 'my name is Alsayf but you can call me mom or Summer' when he heard that he said "ok, mom, uhm but what are you doing?" he whispered mom but I could hear him loud and clear the closest human could to, 'I am protecting you from the bad guys' he seemed to laugh at that and the humans could only listen to his one sided conversation, "uhm should you transform so that you can train me easier?" when I heard that I was hit with realization and I said 'i dont have clothing' Falkor seemed surprised and asked "couldn't you just make some?" with that I was embarrassed 'ok ok' and I went inside pushing him.
-After Making Clothing-
I made some clothes out of fleece and wore them, I spoke and said "ok, first thing first you need some clothing to exercise in" I gave him some clothing to change into, I made them while I made mine, he was surprised at first but went to change, I looked at the humans and they were blushing and looked embarrassed while one just looked on with a red tint on his face,I was confused until I remember that I changed in front of them and they dont walk around naked so It was a bit awkward, the man with only a bit of red tint was acting strangely so I read his mind, when I did I said outloud "OK! If you in the back dont stop looking at me than I'll allow my mate to burn you to a crispe!" he snapped out and looked ate quizzically "I can read minds" I say with a roll if my eyes he seemed surprised by this and turned red like a tomato, Falkor came out and asked "what's wronge?" "nothing, just me thinking of burning some garbage" I answered with a smile and told Falkor while I was walking away "come on or extra training for you" he seemed surprised and then scared before yelling "ok ok, jeez dont be mean mom!" I rolled my eyes but happy he wasn't afraid or embarrassed to call me mom.