
Every new technology made my ship and myself stronger I had tripled my heat sensor last sensitivity doubled the accuracy of my radar and quadrupled the sensors that detected electromagnetic activity ie most electronicsmy defenses had gotten stronger and my speed as well and now I was developing a new weapon system. My prototypes failed miserably time after time some simply exploded others didn't have any range simply acting like a high end plasma drive and then I finally had it by combining hard light shield technology gravity projector technology and plasma drive technology I created a plasma beam that had an impressive range it could vaporize asteroids out to one au distant beyond that it acted like a ion drive albeit a highly charged one that would slowly damage the target with arcs of lightning and the bombardment of ions.

I armed my spherical starship with a number of small caliber railguns and then one I finished my plasma beam prototype I installed it in the nose of my ship as an homage to the Death Star. I didn't have a planet destroying beam of death but I was still proud of myself for creating a new weapon system out of completely different systems that were not weapons in and of them selves. After the construction of my starship the systems resources were pretty much depleted and so I turned my eyes to space and looked for another suitable star. My electronic eyes searched the heavens and found a likely system not to far away so we set out me in what amounted to the bridge and my robotic minions stationed throughout my entire ship in key areas monitoring for discrepancies and systems failures.

The newest version of the plasma drive humming along the biggest plasma drive I'd ever built fully big enough to fit a school bus into and there was one in every cardinal direction top bottom front back left right truly it would be the fastest and most maneuverable starship I could even conceive of. My journey to the destination star took 75 years even with my newest drives and so I spent some of that time studying the various possibilities of my new technologies and I even came up with a gravity drive system and a new reactor design. It was mid boredom induced maintenance cycle that I had an idea and set about creating a device that if it worked would tremendously decrease travel time between star systems and that idea was called a polarity drive. So the idea behind a polarity drive is simple of not exactly straight forward but it basically changes the ships mass by inverting the equation not necessarily increasing the acceleration or velocity but making what acceleration you have more than enough to make you move theoretically the drive would revolutionize space travel.

I built three versions of my polarity drive system and tested each individually and then together eventually I tested all three together and then pushed them to the limit and what I found was spectacular all three functioned but at different wave lengths or so it seemed the slight differences in each module gave them slightly different harmonics and when alone they reduced mass by 15% but when combined they were even more efficient than they were alone and instead of 45% reduction they gave a collective 65% mass reduction. So I went a little wild building my polarity drive so what it's not like I didn't actually need 75 of them I promise ok maybe I went a little wild and burned through all of my reserve stocks of materials but it was for science I swear.

Once I had placed every one of my polarity drive trios I activated them at max power while under full burn and well nearly splattered myself across the bulkhead apparently my mass was missed when I installed the other devices so I'd need to rectify that and soon. My ships acceleration went from a decent 4.9 g's to a absolutely insane 600g's apparently the polarity drive was working perfectly but I'd need to add a few more because I had received a 8 g jolt at least so I would need a few more than I thought apparently. My ships new acceleration proved to be very good amazing in-fact I was now having to decelerate before I overshot the system and I still overshot my target point by three au which could have been dangerous had I been traveling at the sun.

My ship handled like never before and soon I was restocking my depleted supplies and designing my newest starship and the biggest yet a true monster of a ship designed to exclusively utilize my newest invention that came about because of the gravity technology. I designed my newest monster ship this one properly the size of the moon though still no planet destroying super laser it was covered in a improved version of my plasma lance that utilized my polarity drive in a very specific way and increased its range to 6 au's now I could fire across a solar system and hit a target though I'd need to enhance my sensors first but when you have a thousand such beam weapons covering anything that approaches out from 6 au all the way down to 40km then your not likely to survive unscathed.

In the new system I found a couple planets that were just on the cusp of space travel one a race of curious monkey creatures the other a race of violent reptilians both were aware of the other and had been intermittently firing interplanetary missiles at each other. It was a curious stalemate so I started refining my targeting data by trying to snipe both sides missiles from my position about 2 au away and I kept at it until both sides stopped and there was significant space debris surrounding each planet. While I was playing snipe the missiles my minions were constructing my newest starship while I took a break from being bob the builder it was kind of like playing one of those old defender games except that the missiles weren't going to destroy my resources if they hit the ground. For six years I sat content with blasting missiles before they could reach the target honestly the reptiles kept at it far longer than the simians for every simian missile I had to blast six reptilian ones though that was before they simians quit firing missiles altogether. My new starship complete I took my first planetoid type ship and placed it in orbit around the simians world and set it to automatically destroy missiles and then I abandoned ship and headed to my true planetoid ship which I decided to name Aegis Royale.

My task in this system done and the simians protected I brought Aegis Royale into orbit of the reptilian world and proceeded to destroy every hint of technology I could find missile sites factories server farms and I shattered their technology base. It was probably not my best choice though I could have doubled down and just glassed the planet I didn't want to have that on my conscience so after blasting the reptilian race into the Stone Age I departed the system.