Decision and consequence

I studied both of the warring races both were expansionists with large amounts of aggression and I decided neither would win this battle I wouldn't allow it so parked between both fleets I targeted their ships and let loose a massive barrage of fire and destroyed them in moments and yet I knew that they were just doing as instructed I also knew that they both had been held back technologically by something but no matter how I sifted through the data all I could find were a reference to the "masters" both fleets even used the same term for what or whoever it was. The system I was in was the most direct route between either race so I began building the ultimate weapon a massive space station that would permanently close this system to travel I even manned it with 100 or my smaller egg shaped minions programmed to fight intruders and then set the station to explode if enemies overwhelmed the defenses and then I took away almost every form of communication and covered it in every sensor system that I could.

The station would remain until I removed the threat of both species by taking away their technologies one plasma beam at a time and then I headed towards the plasma bolt users systems and began a reign of terror unlike any seen before in the galaxy I'd arrive in a system broadcast the borg greeting of resistance is futile your technology will be added to the collective and then started blasting every single piece of technology into ash. My progress was rapid soon there was only one planet left untouched and over it their entire fleet stood guard so I played ride of the valkyries and started sniping their ships from extreme range closing rapidly as my shields shrugged off plasma blast after blast. I wiped out the entire fleet in a hour their was simply too many to destroy quickly and then the biggest ship I had yet seen came out from hiding and then it was a slugging match my shields drained alarmingly yet I kept fighting the technology was obviously the pinnacle of what could be achieved with this tech and it showed and yet I was still winning slowly my shots burning through each time to take a section of hull out and soon the enemy ship rolled presenting a fresh side to my fire power and it continued like that until my own shields started to fail but the other ship was out of armored flanks to present and I was tearing through the bulkheads and systems with ease though each new hit i took sheared off armor.

I finally hit something sensitive and the enemy ship simply vanished in a blast of nuclear fire but my ship was nearly crippled half of my weaponry and armor slagged two of my plasma drives destroyed and several of my polarity drives were out of commission so I took a break and made repairs directly taking materials from the enemy warship. Weeks after the battle my ship was mostly repaired and I entered orbit of the Squaalgee home world yep that's their name for themselves. I was merciless their world was burned great swaths were destroyed a full quarter of the planet was smoking glass and debris.

After defeating the Squaalgee I set course for the Ahmaristo systems to repeat my elimination of their technology and as I did so I finished my repairs and a few minor tweaks to improve things. The Ahmaristo received the same recording that the Squaalgee received and soon only their home world Wes left and much like the last battle of the Squaalgee the Ahmaristo had surrounded their home world with their fleet and so I stick to extreme range and picked them off ship by ship never giving them the chance to fire on me and again a massive ship came out of hiding and was the pinnacle of their respective technology and again it was a slugging match.

I tried to keep the fight at a distance but the enemy warship would jump close and unleash a barrage of missiles at point blank range my shields quickly drained under those conditions but I soon crippled the enemy warship and it's ability to jump ending the fight safely from long range though I did receive a broadcast mid battle that basically said save out people borg the enemy comes. After reducing the planetary technology to the Stone Age I began constructing a second Aegis series warship that I named the Warspite and left as a system defense vessel and then I returned to the Squaalgee capital world and built another ship and called it the Vengeance before I set course for another likely star system to explore.