Easy prey

That night, Kyle had stayed back in the forest. Not in Sacred Park but in the thick forest covering the hills behind the northernmost part of the campus. He wanted that quiet and stillness that could not be afforded to him if he was back in his dorms.

Kyle had crossed the campus' perimeter fencing so he could freely run and hunt in the hills. He was so goddamned frustrated. He hated that Luna had given her number to that damn guy. No, he was actually angry as well and he hated that he was feeling like this towards a girl… a girl that he had just met and a girl that was not even his.

This was what made him even angrier, the mere emotions she was stirring up within him was just ridiculous. Does this mean he already have such deep feelings for Luna? Already? How did that even happen?! Was such a thing even possible? Or did he just plain gotten mad overnight?