Tending- Part 1

Lucas and Belle continued to walk until Belle finally stopped walking to complain, "My legs hurt," she refused to take another step that had Lucas turn around to look at her with a distance of four steps away from each other. 

"Did you hurt your feet too?" he asked her, looking down at her legs that were covered in the dark-colored skirt and then at her feet. 

"I must have scraped during the tumble of the carriage," Belle answered him. She had felt the sting in her leg but she hadn't bothered herself as she had been listening to Lucas speak and now that silence fell around them, the pain started to make known to her. 

She saw him kneel down in front of her and bring his hands near her legs. He ran the back of his hand across her leg from her knee to her ankle, an action that had her heart hitch in her chest. He ran his hand against her other leg and she flinched when his fingers pressed against a possible wound.