Tending- Part 3

Belle was curious. She wondered if it was bad to ask such questions but she couldn't help not asking especially when it was Lucas. 

"I-I was just asking what kind. Not names," she muttered the last two words.

"I wouldn't be surprised if no one slept with him," Barron commented, who was still facing the wall. 

"The women I sleep with are the ones who don't care about society and who don't have good names. Their names are brought up only in whispers," said Lucas not giving away anything except for the bad character, "I am sure you don't want to be part of that."

"I don't think I would be part of that if it was just one person," Belle retorted back to him and his eyes narrowed down at her. She looked away noticing the displeased look on his face. 

Lucas' eyes stared at her, "Trust me, Miss Belle. I am not the man you would want to settle down with."