Touch of Death- Part 3

The Fourth Grim stood looking at Lucas who went back to look outside the window where it was heavily raining. He had heard on and on from Belle about her feelings for the Grim reaper but this was tough one to crack. Though Barron had not got the pleasure or maybe he was fortunate to not have met this Grim in the past, he had heard a lot of things. So many things that he had turned to a ghost in the land of the dead. 

"There is a way your name can be cleared from the list but that will take time," Lucas's words had the bunny turn towards him and he quickly climbed with the little space that was available to stand. 

"What is your plan?" Barron asked in a serious voice. The reaper had no interest in being hunted and today if it weren't for the raven both he and Belle's soul would have transcended to the land of the dead.