Uninvited guest- Part 2

Music recommendation: Miki the Witch - Devilman Crybaby OST


Seeing Belle go, Lucas looked at the maids who were finishing up with the utensil, "You can continue the rest tomorrow," and the maids retired to the servants quarters. 

Lucas removed the coat he had been wearing to place it on the chair after folding it neatly. He walked towards one of the jars that contained salt and dipped his hand to take it towards the doors by pouring a thin line between the two walls. Placing the jar back, he stepped out of the kitchen. 

As he walked in the corridor, he raised his hand and every candle that was lit on the wall started to exhaust itself with every step he took forward. A death reaper, he should have known this was going to happen. Not because the reaper was behind Belle but it was because of the other reaper, Barron.