Sweet blood on hands- Part 2

Robinson looked at the butler who had the audacity to speak back to him. It looked like Adams' had given this one way too much liberty when it came to speech, "Do you think a low life can compete with me? You're nothing less to a beggar. See me get married to her and bed her. Don't worry, I will keep you as my butler."

When Lucas laughed, a quiet laugh that came out to be mocking, Robinson got up from his chair and pulled Lucas again, using his fist he beat Lucas face again. Once, twice and thrice, and the butler let him where he coughed more blood. 

"I will see to it that you're disciplined by the time I marry Belle. You will-" Lucas started to laugh again. 

"A mortal's dream," he hummed, "It will remain as a dream. It looks like her relatives are trying to get you married."