Meeting her- Part 2

Belle found the room to be silent and she noticed how the woman named Edith looked at Lucas where he returned back her gaze. When Lucas took a seat next to her, Belle finally asked the woman, 

"You said you were expecting me?" 

"Indeed, I was," Edith replied and took the seat in front of them, "Let me introduce myself. I am Edith the prophecy holder, it is nice to make your acquaintance, Belle," she used her name in such familiarity as if she knew her for a very long time. 

An oracle was someone who knew what would happen in the future, it was someone who could guess on the mysteries of the world. Lucas had brought her here because she had told him she was uncertain with what she had to do. 

"Did you know my parents were going to die?" she asked the woman and saw Edith nod to her question. 

"I am sorry for how things went but you need to know a few sacrifices are made when you are trying to fix something," said Edith.