Spilling truth- Part 2

Barron walked forward, his hand clutching to try to form to fists which looked weak and soft as he said, "We are not supposed to be here like this. Only reapers that have gone rogue end up like us."

"There's such term?" Belle asked Lucas. 

"There are rules to be followed in our world. Attachment with living beings, letting them know about our world, breaking rules that have been placed by them leads to punishment," with Belle who was able to see death, it was only time she would notice who he was and instead of her finding by someone else, it was better that he told it himself, "Something went wrong in my case," he pulled out the watch he carried with him and Belle had seen it several times in his hands. 

He handed it to her and she took it in her hand to flip it open and see how a hand kept moving round and round until it came to hover at the red line.