Memory of the ghost- Part 4

Belle moved towards the grave and placed her hand on the wooden cross that was pushed to the ground. She tried to find the reason for his death but there was nothing in there. At least it was now known that there was nothing about Guivenver when it came to death but she was curious about his memories. 

Was there a possibility that the man hadn't told his son or his grandson what he saw or knew about the mansion. The ability she has was only respected to death and nothing more than that. From far away, Belle and the other two heard the sound of a bird crying out that echoed through the forest. 

"Is that an eagle?" Belle asked and then looked at Barron and Lucas who was still looking in the direction of where the sound had come from. 

"That's no eagle," said Barron, a little worry in his voice, "Do you think it is what I think it is?"