Souls- Part 4

Belle who had turned to look at the sound she had heard from behind her looked at the trees that appeared to have leaves here unlike the last time she had seen the empty tree. She didn't know why but it felt like someone was sitting in the tree right now which was why the branch was still moving to only come to halt after a few seconds. 

"Barron, I think something is up there," said Belle to Barron but the rabbit was nowhere close to her as Barron had continuously walked and walked to only realize after a while that Belle wasn't with him. 

Looking back again, she noticed how she was all alone where she stood and she didn't know where Barron had gone. Belle noticed how the branches of the tree started to shake again and something slid down the tree to stand up which was not a reaper but it was a Mighoul that had used itself with a spirit.