Greed- Part 2

Inot continued to work for Hendrick and when the vampire was in his chambers, the witcher slowly slipped out of the huge castle that was covered by trees. Making his way through the thicket of the trees, he carried the lantern in his hand. He stopped when he reached the spot, looking for the mistress witch who had asked him to come here. 

He looked front and back, searching for the person when someone from the branch jumped down on the ground. It was a small girl who had her hair tied in two braids. She looked no more than eight by age, her features would have considered being innocent if it weren't for the expressions her face was able to hold. 

"Hello, Inot. You are late," said the small girl with a wide smile on her face. 

"Judith," Inot addressed the girl, "Where is Mistress?" asked the servant.