Into the forest- Part 2

Belle turned her head on the response which Lucas gave her. A whole town along with the others would be going down to create a massacre by the witches and Lucas said they were not going to do anything about it. She felt a familiar feeling that she had felt before. The time when she knew her parents were going to die and she could do nothing about it. 

Wait a minute, thought Belle to herself before saying, 

"This is the town Pauline was talking about. She plans to move in here in two days," she didn't want to see another person who she knew die during her knowledge. 

"We don't know how far the plan might go if the massacre will be stopped or if it will go on but there's still weeks or months for it," said Lucas looking at the plumbing line and then looked at the people who were walking past them, "A death reaper and the ability of death cannot try to interfere with the fates that are set."