Little Brother- Part 3

Before Belle had returned home with the tenth Grim, Father Connor had quickly used his horse to gallop and reach the Adams' mansion. To make sure that the other Grim knew trouble was arriving at the doorstep. Unable to take his horse inside as the gates were closed, Father Connor had then tied his horse to the gates, pushing the latch to step inside and make his way towards the large doors. 

He knocked the metal around the wood, and one of the doors opened with the butler who carried a lantern in his hand. 

"What brings you here at this hour of the night, Father Connor?" asked Lucas seeing how he was breathless. His eyes moved behind the white witcher to look at the white horse that was tied to the gate. 

"It is the Grim," Father Connor turned his head to make sure there was no one behind him and whispered, "It is Baltimore. With Miss Adams."