Grim in the council- Part 4

To know if the councilman was indeed the Grim reaper who was hiding in here for years, he would have to go touch the person to confirm his suspicion. He looked at the way people conversed with him. A person like him who appeared to be a saint was the most suspicious character, thought Lucas to himself. There were too many things that were hidden beneath that pleasant, kind, lovable surface. 

"You did a good job, Councilman Fitz. I was looking all over the room but don't know how I happened to miss it," answered Councilman Creed, "I will be sure to return the favour back."

Another man who stood with Councilman Creed only smiled and when his eyes fell on Lucas who was looking at them, Lucas was the first one to bow and the other man bowed back. 

Lucas started to walk away from them too as the young man left the councilmen but when the two older councilmen were far away, Lucas had returned back to listen in on their conversation.