Old Cemetery- Part 1

The servants had dispersed from the hall in a state of shock while Belle herself wasn't sure how far this was a good idea that they had told the servants about the existence of walking-talking rabbit that knew nothing but to bring trouble. With the servants gone, Belle released a sigh, her back touching the wall and she leaned back. 

Seeing the others leave, Barron started to speak, "You know I was able to handle myself fine."

Lucas snapped his eyes at Barron, "One hour. One decent hour and you cannot keep yourself out of trouble."

Barron waved his hand at Lucas, "It wasn't me! There was this damn honey bee that was buzzing in front of my face and I was trying to get it off but it was so freaking persistent as if I am a flower. I mean I know I am clean and all, it doesn't have to tell me that. What? Why are you both looking at me as if I did something?"