We don't want visitors! - Part 2

Councilman Joshua offered Belle a polite smile, "Pardon me for my misunderstanding," he bowed his head. 

In Belle's eyes, the man didn't appear to be bad but it didn't mean he wasn't looking for trouble the way his eyes moved to look at the room they were in and his questions, "How do you pay for everything? It must be rather difficult to be doing everything by yourself." 

"My parents brought me up to be independent and they left me a decent amount of money behind," stated Belle.

"But wasn't there a feud about the money with Mr. Wellington? If I didn't hear it wrong, Mrs. Stlinkson spoke about how her daughter wanted to have your butler work in her mansion as a payment." It seemed like this councilman had done his homework. But then Lady Olivia was connected to the Adams' family.