Craving life- Part 3

The councilman had a look of horror on his face and his mouth was left wide open with what he just saw on the portrait and in the kitchen, "S-she…" Lucas could tell that the man was undergoing shock, but it was no time to be playing expressions as one spirit was in the kitchen with Belle and another creature was up in the room. 

In the middle of it, the stuffed rabbit coming down the stairs added only more confusion, "LUCAS! LUCAS! He went missing!"

the councilman finally asked, "W-what's going on in here?" 

"Things you are not supposed to know," answered Lucas and he added, "My apologies," and the councilman gave out a perplexed look before his head was smacked hard to have him fall down unconscious. 

"Woah, why did you do that?" asked Barron, who received a look from the butler, "What? What did I do?"

"Is Belle's father missing?" asked Lucas brushing away the man who laid on the stairs to start walking up.