In a pickle- Part 1

Belle could feel a headache forming in her head. This was like nonstop events that were going on one after another where they couldn't catch a break for themselves. With the spirits gone, Belle could feel pain at the thought that her parents didn't exist anywhere anymore. Not in the land of the living nor in the land of the dead as they were consumed by the spirits. 

She clenched her hands together in anger that she felt which was brewing in her chest, bubbling like a volcano that was waiting to erupt. 

Lucas noticed Belle's silence. Though she had said she was alright, he knew she wasn't. At least not with the way her eyes had turned vacant after finding out that the people who had entered the mansion were not her parents. 

"We need to get the man quickly before he blabbers to the people that he saw Belle's parents. Imagine what everyone is going to say?" 

"Let it be," Lucas answered this caught both Belle and Barron's attention.