Bloodbath- Part 2

It was the time of Winter, yet Belle felt a drop of sweat slide down her on back at the tension in the room. She didn't know how to comprehend the situation right now fully. He wanted to take her? Did he even know in what state he was in? 

"I am sorry, George," Belle apologized and the man frowned. As if not understanding what she was telling, "You must already know who holds my heart." 

George stood quietly, staring at her, "I know. Which is why I said it is not healthy. You know what he is," hearing this her eyes widened. Of course, he would know who Lucas was as George now belonged to the land of the dead, but she doubted he knew who he really was, "He is just like me, so give me a chance which we never had."

"You had all your time, but you never said anything. Don't try to spoil something that I have now with him," reasoned Belle, but the words she said didn't sit well with her friend, "Please, George."