Let me kill you- Part 1

Belle stood in the corridor of the mansion where no one usually came. She had planned to jump out of the window, but with George who had locked the entire house, she could tell that there was no way out, apart from killing him and she didn't want to do it. She knew she was letting her emotions sway, but this was her friend. 

In the afternoon, when her mother was speaking the things she would have never expected to hear, she didn't know why it was easier to want both her parents gone. It might have been because the spirits were dominating their souls, and they had eaten the remaining residues of them in the land of the dead but George looked like he had fused himself with the spirit. Out of willingness. 

"You were never like this, George. What happened to the friend I knew?" asked Belle when George pulled out the knife which was big and sharp. 

"Did you get it from the kitchen?" asked Belle.