Barron's day out- Part 2

"Bad! Very bad reaper!" Barron scolded Greed who had tried to get Barron using his scythe, "Is it the guilty conscience? Mhmm?" asked Barron and Greed didn't hold himself back and hit the scythe against one of the vases that crashed straight on the ground. 

If there was one thing Barron had understood along with Belle, it was that Greed was sensitive when it came to Lucas. Barron moved aside when Greed's scythe went to hit the portrait in a loud crash that broke the glass frame that covered the painting. 

"You have quite some mouth on you, don't you?" asked Greed, rotating the scythe in his hand. 

"That I did from the very beginning. It didn't know you didn't notice it until now which is understandable because you have your eyes on," Barron moved his two fingers to point to his eyes and then at Greed.