Reflection- Part 1

Music Recommendation: Dark Ambient Melodies


The same night when Belle and Lucas were spending their time together after coming from the town, it was the same night where in the other two lands- Wovile as well as Bonelake was now caught in flames because of the massacre that was being performed by the black witches for their own need and greed. Belle had tried not to remember it and then reached the inn, walking through the entrance to be greeted by the innkeeper who looked strict for a human and a little grumpy, "That's a lot of things," commented the innkeeper being nosey after seeing the number of bags that Lucas was carrying. 

"We had to shop for our kids," answered Lucas and the innkeeper gave out a look at Lucas.

"You have children?" he looked surprised yet suspicious. 

"We do," agreed Lucas, "Two of them. It would be rude not to bring them gifts," Belle went along to nod her head.