Finding the truth- Part 2

The magistrate arrived after an hour or so, and Lucas along with Belle had waited so that they could speak to him, "I didn't know I was looking at visitors right away," commenced the man who was lean by the physique and had long hair that was combed behind to almost reaching his shoulders.

"I thought the magistrate was someone who would help us, Sir," Lucas added the last word to make sure the man would not take it as an offence as most of the magistrates he had seen and met, they had a high ego about themselves who couldn't handle anyone pointing the finger at them. 

"I just came from a high profile work which I cannot mention, but I am tired. I will see you and this girl tomorrow morning. Whatever work you have come here for will be addressed at that time," said the magistrate who was ready to dismiss them so that he could take time off from work and sleep in here while calling himself to be a very busy man in the eyes of the higher council.