The medium- Part 3

Belle was relieved to hear Barron's voice even though he appeared to be panicking. The white light continued to come from the ground that lit up the room she and the mighoul were in. 

"I need your help!" said Belle and Barron who stood on the other side quickly got through the bars of the cell to reach the ragged identical rabbit. 

"Did you get stuck in the rabbit too?" asked Barron in a thoughtful tone, "I thought you were in Valeria with Lucas. Where is Lucas? Wait! Did you know Lucas has a hellhound?! He fucking almost tore and ripped me to pieces. My arms lost cotton and my neck came off!" Barron complained knowing now that he had someone who cared who would listen to him more attentively unlike Greed who was barely bothered with the hellhound until the hellhound chomped on Greed's hand. 

Belle tried to get in the information that Barron gave her before she heard some shuffling sound and heard Greed's voice,

"Are you stuck in the doll?"