Memories of the duchess- Part 2

Barron then came back to the story he was saying, "I just wanted to have fun and was there to collect her soul."

"It was sweet of her to make you a muffler on her deathbed," and on Belle's words, Barron flipped his head to look at Belle.

"I know that! I didn't care at that time. We Grim reapers lack emotions because of the environment we have been placed in. The people around us stripped away those emotions but I feel bad now," his ears had stood up to fall back down.

"Whoever that girl was, the duchess, she must have made the muffler for you out of her heart's goodwill. You can take it as a thank you gift, for sending her to the land of the dead safely and putting her in the boat for the Rower to take her to the gates," Belle wondered if Barron was feeling guilty for getting a gift from someone who he had given illness, so that the person would die. 

"I wished that was what happened," muttered Barron that caught Belle's attention.