Wrath- Part 1

When her head hit the pillow, Belle had fallen asleep instantly not just because of the exhaustion but also from the blood she had consumed from Lucas. While Belle rested, Lucas sat next to her with his hand brushing her hand which she hadn't let go even in sleep. The vacation she thought she had finally received was not a break but a path that led to more information. 

The door flew open with Greed and Barron standing at the front. Before they could utter a word, Lucas raised his finger to place it on his lips for them to stay quiet. He then placed another hand on top of Belle's hand where she had been holding him, to let loose of her hold and he got up from the bed. 

Locking the door behind him, Lucas stepped forward for Barron to whisper, "When did you both return?! We were going to meet Edith!"