The knocks- Part 2

When Lucas returned back from the kitchen, a smile played on his face as he caught sight of Greed who appeared to not have moved from the spot, "She's not wrong you know."

Greed shook his head, "Like I care," but the blue-eyed reaper said, "What kind of person doesn't care about the number of people their lover killed? She is less mortal and belongs more to the dead. "

"The kind who accepts everything about her lover without a doubt of question," a smirk appeared on Lucas' face. Belle had visited the land of the dead many times and she had experienced death, he doubted if there was any that could faze her right now, "I need you to do something for me." 

"What is it?" asked Greed. 

"Two days from now on I won't be here. I need to travel to West and need you to accompany Belle when she's outside," said Lucas for the Grim reaper to have a grim expression on Greed's face.

"What else?" asked Greed.