What happened later- Part 1

Music Recommendation: Novo Amor - State Lines


Belle was worried, but if Lucas' plan worked when it came to the bond, the two Grim's would not find out who Greed was. They had not spotted Lucas yet, it was only right to send Greed ahead who had changed the colour of his eyes so that his unusually striking blue eyes wouldn't be questioned by them as not many had blue eyes like his. 

She didn't stay long near the kitchen and she headed back to the hall where everyone were present. With Greed offering them a drink, it would make him be less of a suspect and more to be part of the land of the living in the eyes of the Grim. Without looking their way, her eyes met Edith's who only offered her a smile. Edith was the neutral Grim, she wouldn't say anything, but at the same time she knew everything.