Tower- Part 1

Belle looked around them, standing in between the two lamps that carried the unlit lanterns. She didn't find any shadows lurking near them. Not knowing what Lucas had on his mind, she asked him,

"Where do you think Barron is right now?"

"The Hawverts have their own building. The tallest and the leanest in the land of the dead. The tower looks more deserted compared to here. This is only a part of it. A reflection after which comes the actual lands," replied Lucas, his scythe had disappeared from his hands, "We need to go to the tower if we are bringing Barron back."

Belle who was looking at the darknesses, tore her gaze away to look back at Lucas, "Isn't that like entering an enemy's territory?" she asked him. It was only Belle and Lucas here with no one else to help them.