My bone!- Part 4

Winston was still standing outside the tower, waiting for the two Grims who arrived outside to where he was after a few minutes, "Sir Winston," Edgar bowed his head, his already short height turning even smaller at the action before he stood straight, "You called for us?"

"I need you to close the gate right now," ordered Winston.

"Now?" Edgar questioned, "There are souls who are returning back from the living.

"I am sure you can lock it from inside without the new souls being stopped to pass from the living to the dead. Go to the front and monitor who goes in or out. Send death reapers only if they are assigned. Any newbie will be brought right to me!" Winstone continued to order. 

Moore only stared and when Winston's eyes moved to look at Moore he nodded his head. 

"Great! Off you go now! Be quick in making sure no one enters," demanded Winston before dismissing all of them to go search the newly created reapers and be brought in front of him.